題 名 | 閱讀障礙學童聲韻能力之研究=Phonological Abilities in Reading-Disabled Elementary Graders |
作 者 | 陳淑麗; 曾世杰; | 書刊名 | 特殊教育研究學刊 |
卷 期 | 17 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁205-223 |
分類號 | 529.69 |
關鍵詞 | 閱讀障礙學童; 聲韻能力; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討閱讀障礙(簡稱閱障)學童聲韻能力的表現情形。研究以國小二 至六年級學童為對象,採配對方式選取閱障學童及配對學童各88名。本研究使用「聲韻分 割」、「聲韻結合」及「聲調覺識」三個測驗測量聲韻覺識能力;使用「聲韻轉錄測驗」 測量聲韻轉錄的程度。結果發現,閱障學童在聲韻分割及聲韻結合上與配對組沒有差別, 但閱障組的聲調覺識能力普遍不如配對組,且聲韻轉錄現象比配對組不明顯。在相關方面 ,兩組學童各認知成份與閱讀理解的相關普遍未達顯著水準。在年級間的差異情形方面, 聲韻覺識能力在年級間,普遍未呈現顯著差異,然而涉及記憶能力的注音記憶,押韻的狀 況,年級間的表現呈顯著差異;不押韻的狀況,年級間的表現則未呈顯著差異。 從以上的結果,研究者推測在國小階段,閱障學童閱讀困難的原因可能是在「和聲韻 處理有關的記憶能力」,而不是「CV層次的聲韻覺識能力」(C表子音,V表母音)。亦即, 閱障學童主要的缺陷是,與聲韻相關的記憶表現不佳,比較不能有效地將文字視覺刺激以 「聲韻的形式」保留在短期記憶中,造成閱讀上的困難。過去的研究認為,閱障學童聲韻 覺識能力普遍不佳的看法,在本研究中並未完全得到支持。但由於本研究的聲韻覺識測驗 ,作業難度偏低,又未進一步測量較複雜層次的聲韻覺識能力,因此,以上的推論,有待 未來的研究進一步驗證。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to examine the phonological abilities in reading disabled (RD) and normal readers. Eighty-eight 2-to 6-grade students, diagnosed as reading disables, were selected from two elementary schools of Kaoshuing City to participate the study. A match group of 88 students with reading ability ranked as normal served as the control group. Two groups of tests were administered to measure participants' phonologically-related cognitive components. The first group, including tests of phoneme deletion (PD), phoneme blending (PB), and tonal awareness (TA), was designed to measure phonological awareness. The second group was to measure the extent of phonological recoding (PR). No significant differences were found in PD and PB between the normal and RD groups. However, the scores of RD groups' TA and PR were found significantly lower than those of the control group. No significant correlation coefficients were established between any cognitive components and reading comprehension. From these results, the researcher is of the view that, the causes of reading difficulties of Chinese young RDs may highly correlated with malfunction in processes of "phonologically-related working memory", rather than the difficulties in "phonological awareness (in this study, at consonant-vowel level manipulation)". To state more specifically, during the working memory processes, children with reading disabilities seemed to be not as efficient as the controls in recoding written materials into phonological codes. The researcher speculated that this factor may contribute to the subsequent reading failure. |