題 名 | 高職身心障礙學生休閒生活之研究=A Study for Vocational High School Handicapped Students' Involvement of Recreational Activities |
作 者 | 張照明; | 書刊名 | 特殊教育學報 |
卷 期 | 13 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁239-279 |
分類號 | 529.68 |
關鍵詞 | 高職身心障礙學生; 休閒生活; Vocational students with disabilities; Recreational activities; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以自編之「高職學生休閒生活量表」作為蒐集資料的工具,對啟仁、啟聰 、啟智與啟明學校共計 272 名高職特殊學生進行問卷調查,並選取一般高職學生 263 名作 為對照組,進行休閒生活的研究,研究結果如下: 1. 特殊學生的休閒參與和休閒期望較普通高職學生低,休閒阻礙則較普通學生高。 2. 特殊學生的休閒參與和休閒期望、休閒阻礙有關。 3. 不同身心障礙類別、性別、通勤或住校的學生休閒參與有差異。 4. 不同身心障礙類別、性別、通勤或住校的學生休閒期望有差異。 5. 不同身心障礙類別、性別、通勤或住校的學生休閒阻礙有差異。 6. 各類身心障礙學生最常參與的休閒活動與最期望參與的休閒活動大致相符, 而聊天、看 電視、聽音樂廣播是共同最常參與的休閒活動。 7. 各類障礙學生中以肢體障礙學生的休閒生活型態較接近普通學生。 8. 「場地設施不合適與缺乏他人指導」是障礙學生的共同休閒阻礙, 其它如肢障學生的「 交通不便」、聽障學生的「他人拒絕共用休閒設施」、智障學生的「缺乏休閒資訊」、「不 能自己決定要不要參與休閒活動」及「沒有興趣」、視障學生的「缺乏休閒同伴」,均是造 成休閒阻礙的重要因素。 |
英文摘要 | This study investigated the difference between handicapped students' involvement of recreational activities and conventional students' involvement of recreational activities. The tool, "Recreational Life Style for Vocational High School Students Battery", was designed by the researcher and was used to detect the types of involvement in recreational activities between conventional high school students and high school students with disabilities. There were two groups in this study. Two hundred and seventy two students were subjects of the experimental group who were students with acoustic, mental, physical, and visual disabilities who currently enrolled in Vocational High School for handicapped students. Subjects of the control group, total of 263, were students who currently enrolled in conventional vocational high school. Findings of this study are stated as follows: (1) Special students involved less recreational activities than conventional students. Also, they were expected from others to engage less recreational activities than conventional students. They experienced more obstacles in terms of accessing recreational activities than those conventional students. (2) Special students' involvement of recreational activities were correlated with the expectation from others, and the inaccessibility to recreation activities. (3) Students' type of disabilities, gender, and residence such as boarding or commuting, were correlated with their involvement in recreational activities. (4) Students' type of disabilities, gender, and residence were correlated with other's expectation of engaging in recreational activities. (5) Students' type of disabilities, gender, and residence, were correlated with their accessibility to the engagement of recreational activities. (6) The aforementioned type of handicapped students' involvement of kinds of recreational activities were consistent with their most favorable recreational activities which included watching television, talking with their peers, and listening to the radio. (7) Within the aforementioned types of disabilities, the physical handicapped students' recreational life style was the closest to their counterparts'. (8) The common reason why handicapped subjects experienced more difficulties in involving the recreational activities was that the facilities were not designed suitably for them and the facilities were not comprehensible for them to utilize. Furthermore, for physical handicapped students, the inaccessibility to the recreational site was one of the factors that prevented them from engaging the activity. For students with acoustic disabilities, others' reluctance to share the facilities with them was a factor that prevented them from engaging the activities. For mental handicapped students, the lack of recreational information, the inability to make a decision, or the lack of interest were reasons of preventing them from engaging activities of those types. Fore students with visual disabilities, the lack of social support to accompany them to engage the recreational activities was one of the reasons why made them engage less recreational activities than conventional students. |