題 名 | 軟體元件化與軟體再用的探討=Software Reuse Based on Software Components |
作 者 | 顏春煌; | 書刊名 | 管理與資訊學報 |
卷 期 | 4 1999.04[民88.04] |
頁 次 | 頁271-279 |
分類號 | 312.49 |
關鍵詞 | 軟體文件; 軟體再用; 設計模式; Software component; Software reuse; Design pattern; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 軟體元件(Software Component)與軟體再用(Software reuse)的技術在軟體 系統的開發上,重要性與日俱增[1],因為軟體元件化之後能促成大規模的軟體再 用,最顯著的影響就是大幅地降低了軟體開發的成本,同時也縮短了完工的時程。 雖然有這些好處,軟體元件與軟體再用的實現,仍然缺乏普及化的基礎,對於系 統開發者來說,縱使有眾多現成的軟體元件可資利用,要如何使用,如何結合成 一個軟體系統,仍要有一套親和而直覺的方法或工具來引導。 本研究針對軟體元件化與軟體再用的技術,提出一套引用人工智慧的方法, 讓程式開發者能在引導下描述所撰寫的軟體系統,然後透過軟體工具在軟體元件 庫中搜尋相關的軟體元件,結合軟體開發的輔助工具,幫助原開發者快速地釐出 系統的架構,同時篩選出可用的現有軟體元件,以及其可用之處。目前所提出來 的模式,可結合分散式物件的觀念,或是構築在現有的整合式開發工具之上,變 成一種輔助性的工具。有關於軟體元件化與軟體元件庫的建立,可運用設計模式 (Design Pattern)的原理,將現有的軟體元件有效地組織起來。 |
英文摘要 | The application of software components and software reuse techniques in the area of software development has become more and more important due to potential savings in cost for software developers and companies. Although most people expect great benefit from adopting component-based software development, wide-spread use of such techniques is far from reality. We need approaches as well as tools to guide developers on how to locate and how to reuse component software. In this research, we adopt artificial intelligence techniques to guide software developers during the software development process. To apply our method, software engineers must be able to picture the target software system following our terms and constraints which would seem straightforward with the help of graphical user interfaces. The system will use the description to locate related software components and show how and where they can be used. With such information, developers will be more comfortable coming up with an architectural view of their target system and clearly see where those software components fit in. The proposed method is conceptually feasible to be combined with the notion of distributed software objects and existing integrated software development environment. Regarding the construction of software components and component libraries, we apply design patterns to effectively organize existing software components. |