題 名 | 三至八歲聽覺障礙兒童語音聽知覺接受力之研究=Mandarin Auditory Speech Perception Capability of Hearing Impaired Children at Ages 3 to 8 |
作 者 | 陳小娟; | 書刊名 | 特殊教育與復健學報 |
卷 期 | 7 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁51-78 |
分類號 | 529.67 |
關鍵詞 | 聽覺障礙兒童; 語音聽知覺測驗; 語音接受力; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「語言聽知覺測驗」是一個由十一個分測驗組合而成可用來測試三至八歲聽覺障礙 兒童對「語言接受力」的測驗庫,本研究以此測驗為工具,測驗三至八歲之聽覺正常兒童30 名與配戴助聽器的聽覺障礙兒童191名。主要的目的包括比較聽常與聽障兒童之測驗得分分 布情形、探討聽障兒童在十一個分測驗之相關、子測驗是否難度相近、不同年齡組別中各分 測驗之排序及其與聽覺反應層次之關係,以及找出對總分最有預測力的三至四個分測驗。研 究結果顯示(一)聽常兒童在十個分測驗之得分都在85%以上,而聽覺障礙兒童之得分則 介於34%~82%之間;三、四、五歲聽常兒童在某幾個分測驗的表現顯著低於較大的年齡組, 而聽障兒童也有類似之現象,似乎認知能力及語言方面之知識有助於較佳之表現,(二)各 分測驗得分及總分彼此之相關達0.001顯著水準,(三)分測驗三、四與九的各個版本可視 為難度相近的題本,(四)不同年齡組別內,各分測驗得分高低之排序不盡相同,但是整體 而言,與聽覺反應之層次呈現對應之關係,(五)對總分最具預測力的三至四個分測驗及迴 歸公式分別依年齡組找出。 |
英文摘要 | A mandarin auditory speech perception test battery was developed for hearing impaired children at ages 3 to 8. The norm was established on 191 gearing impaired children who wore hearing aids. Thirty normal hearing children, 3 to 8 years old, were tested as a control group. The test battery is composed of eleven subtests. Normal hearing children scored above 85% while hearing impaired children scored between 34% to 82% for ten subtests. Three, four, and five-years-old normal hearing groups performed significantly lower than some older aged groups in three subtests. It was the same for hearing impaired children. It seems that some knowledge in language and cognition is required to get better performance. Significant correlation was observed among scores of 11 subtests and the full test. Subtests 3, 4 and 9 include more than one version which served as an equivelent test for the subtest. These subtests were tested to be equivalent. The ranks of difficulty in eleven subtests were different for different age groups. In general, children's performance did follow the hierarchy in levels of auditory responses. Three to four subtests which provided the best estimate for the score in the full test battery was suggested for each age group. Regression equations were also established. |