題 名 | 論林海音婚姻與愛情小說中的女性意識=The Feminist Consciousness in Lin Hai-yin's Stories of Marriage and Love |
作 者 | 陳璦婷; | 書刊名 | 弘光學報 |
卷 期 | 33 1999.04[民88.04] |
頁 次 | 頁233-261 |
分類號 | 863.57 |
關鍵詞 | 林海音; 婚姻; 愛情; 身分; 女性意識; Lin Hai-yin; Marriage; Love; Status; Female consciousness; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 女性書寫最大的意義在提出女性對生命、事物、世界甚至於宇宙的觀點,從男性 手中要回一部分的解釋權。活躍於五0、六0年代文壇的作家林海音,以婚姻與愛情為題材 ,以女性為中心,從女性的角度書寫女性對婚姻與愛情的思考,展現女性的覺醒。每一個時 代的每一個女性都有她們的限制與困境,作者筆下的女性能否掙脫束縛,取決於個人的思考 與觀念,而非外力的解救。以清末民初為背景的作品主要描寫正室受「身分」羈絆,必須違 反人性,主動為丈夫納妾,或接受丈夫納妾的苦。妾的一方主要描寫她們受「身分」壓制, 力爭尊嚴無效的哀。至於能擺脫「身分」束縛者則能獲得幸福。以抗戰迄於七0年代初期為 背景的小說,作者羅列了殉葬式、報恩式、分享式 (抗戰婚姻 )、自我放逐、外遇等幾種婚 姻型態,讓筆下女性思考自己的真正需要及應該付諸行動追求,因而思考與行動就成為女性 追求幸福的利器。而林海音的婚姻與愛情小說最大的特色在:她保有一貫溫柔敦厚的態度, 沒有嚴辭批判父權,或以其為基礎所建構的制度與價值,直接描寫女性的覺醒,因為女性覺 醒就是解構父權的起始。 |
英文摘要 | The prime meaning of feminist writing is to widen our views of life, things, the world, and even the cosmos, as well as to take back part of the rights of the well-done explanation to the above from men. Noted in 50's and 60's, Lin Hai-yin has tried to expose women's self-realization and how womengive thought to marriage and love in her stories. In every age, almost every woman finds her own limitations and dilemma. How those female characters in her stories could escape from the confines is determined by their thoughts, not by the salvation from others or from the outside world. The stories set duringthe late Ching Dynasty and early Republic China mainly tell about how the legal wives suffer from their "status", and how they disobey their will and their nature. Most of them voluntarily find illegal wives (mistresses) for their husbands, or endure their husbands' taking illegal wives home. As to the illegal wives, Lin also sympathetically shows how they are pressed by their inferior marital "status", and their sadness for their useless fights for self-dignity. Only those who can run away from the confines of "status" could be hap py. In the stories set from 60's to 70's, Lin gives a list of several types of marriage, such as the wives spiritual suicide with their husbands, marriage between a woman and her "sponsor", a husband shared by two or more women, marriedwomen's exile from their family, extra-marital affairs, etc. Lin creates a possible space for her heroines to ponder on what they need and how they take actions. Thus thinking and taking actions are serviceable tools for women to search for their happiness. The outstanding characteristic of Lin's stories ofmarriage and love is that she treats such issues sincerely and gently. Unlike other feminist writers, she does not rigidly criticize on patriarchy or put her stories in patriarchal system. She directly defines the self-realization and self-consciousness of women, which are regarded as the origin of deconstructing patriarchy. |