題 名 | 中央非常委員會成立經過的研究=Kuomintang Central Emergency Council: A Study of Its Establishment in 1949 |
作 者 | 劉維開; | 書刊名 | 國立政治大學歷史學報 |
卷 期 | 16 1999.05[民88.05] |
頁 次 | 頁147-168 |
分類號 | 005.2 |
關鍵詞 | 中國國民黨; 非常委員會; 蔣中正; 李宗仁; 杭州會談; Kuomintang; Central Emergency Council; Chiang Kai-shek; Li Tsung-jen; Hangchow; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 民國三十八年(一九四九)四月,南京淪陷前夕,蔣中正與李宗仁、何 應欽等在杭州對時局發展進行了一次談話,是為「杭州會談」,決定在中 國國民黨內成立一個「非常委員會」,以協助李宗仁,並建立黨政關係之 常軌。但是直到七月中,非常委員會才正式成立,中間隔了將近三個月。 在這三個月中,圍繞著非常委員會,從委員會應否成立,到委員會的人事 安排,引發了一連串的政治效應,反映在這些政治效應的是蔣中正與李宗 仁兩人的衡突與妥協。本文將通過檔案資料及相關當事人留存的紀錄或回 憶,對非常委員會的成立經過作一探討,並藉以了解蔣、李關係之一斑。 |
英文摘要 | On the eve of the ROC government forces' evacuation from Nanking late in April 1949, Chieng Kai-shek, then in temporary retirement from the presidency, talked with Acting President Li Tsung-jen and General Ho Ying-chin in Hangchow and decided to set up an Emergency Council which, as the Kuomintang's highest policy-making organ, was to put party-government interactions on a proper track and help facilitate Li's work. But the actual launching of the council had to wait nearly three months, till mid- July. Political repercussions were recorded in the meantime, revolving around issues ranging from the organ's necessity to its lineup, all reflecting Chinag's clashes and compromises with Li Tsung-jen. By going through archives materials as well as other pertinent records and recollections, this paper attempts a factual depiction of the Emergency Council's course, thereby casting light on some aspects of the Chiang-Li relationship. |