題 名 | 環形試片壓縮法用於摩擦係數之評價(試片高度對摩擦係數測定值之影響)=Evaluating the Friction Coefficient by Upsetting a Ring Specimen (The Effect of the Aspect Ratio of the Specimen on the Friction Coefficient) |
作 者 | 詹福賜; | 書刊名 | 鍛造 |
卷 期 | 8:2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁48-56 |
分類號 | 472.1 |
關鍵詞 | 環形試片; 壓縮試驗; 摩擦係數評價; 剛塑性有限元解析法; 形狀比; Ring specimen; Upsetting test; Evaluating the friction coefficient; Rigid plastic F.E.M; Aspect ratio; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 對於各種不同高度之環形試片進行兩平行板間壓縮試驗,壓縮時工具與材料間採 用各種不同之潤滑劑,測定壓縮過程中壓縮率與內徑變化率之關係。將此測定結果代入利用 剛塑性有限元解析法計算而得的校正曲線中,兩者相較之下即可斷定在壓縮時材料與工具間 之摩擦係數值。 本實驗中環形試片之內、外徑皆為定值,而高度每隔 2mm 變化之,以檢討 環彩試片之高度對摩擦係數測定值之影響。結果顯示:當環形試片之高度太高或太低時,所 測得之摩擦係數偏高。材料之加工硬化指數並不影響摩擦係數之測定值。又,環形試片之斷 面形狀比( Ho/Wo )有一個最適當個最適值存在, 本實驗中利用剛塑性有限元解析法求出 其最適值,此值剛好介於田端與小阪田所採用之試片尺寸之中間值。 |
英文摘要 | Ring speciment upsetting tests were conducted to evaluate the relationship between compression ratio and inner diameter variation. Different Height-to-diameter specimen and lubricants were used during the tests and results were computed by using rigid plastic FEM. The coefficient of friction can be obtained by examing the cabibration curve generated from above-mentioned calculation. The results idicated that strain hardening exponent has little influence on measured friction coefficent and suitable heigh-to-diameter specimen should be selected for proper account of friction coefficent. Also the optimal value of specimen aspect ratio can be predicted by rigid plastic FEM and the result falls into the region from those selected by previous researchers. |