題 名 | 中國傳統哲學有關「人」的義蘊=On the Traditional Chinese Philosophical Concepts of “Man” |
作 者 | 劉貴傑; | 書刊名 | 社會科教育學報 |
卷 期 | 2 民88.06 |
頁 次 | 頁25-54 |
分類號 | 112 |
關鍵詞 | 人文; 人文學科; 人文主義; 人文思想; 價值; 人格; Human; The humanities; Humanism; Human thought; Value; Personality; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文首先說明人文、人文思想的意義,次就人與宇宙、人的價值、理想人格、人文修養等基本範疇,陳述中國歷代哲學家對此問題的看法。中國哲人大都主張「天人合一」或「天人感應」的學說,人敬天法天,順天而行,成己成人,以至天人合德,由此彰顯出人和宇宙的和諧融洽,合體同流。中國哲學素重「人貴於物」的思想,人有高於動物的價值,人必然優於動物,唯有自覺並重視這種價值,人方不致於被物質所奴役,因此,人在宇宙中佔有核心地位。中國傳統哲學各派都有其標榜的理想人格,儒家的內聖外王,道家的無為灑脫,墨家的兼愛交利,佛家的自覺覺他,都是典型的理想人格,無論何派,都要人培養完美的人格,成就整個人格世界。中國先哲的人文修養首重自我省察,道德修養有賴個人的自覺與主動,因此,反身內省的工夫尤為重要。人文的涵養不外養心和修身,兩者相輔相成,即可表現深厚的修養。處在科技極度發達的現代社會裡,我們應該發揚中國傳統哲學所蘊涵的人文思想,增進人與宇宙的融協關係、肯定人的價值尊嚴、豁顯人的理想人格、實踐人的道德修養,才能在科技世界中安身立命,並且以崇高的人文理念為核心,祛弊揚優,從而輔助科技的發展,謀求人類的福祉。 |
英文摘要 | This paper tries to describe traditional Chinese philosophical concepts of "man" in relation to four aspects: man and cosmos, value of man, ideal character of man, ethical pursuits of man. Most of China's great philosophers advocated a theory of "the unity of heaven and man", intended to achieve harmony between man and world. Concerning the question of the value of man, Chinese philosophers acknowledged the superiority of man: he is superior to animals, therefore he occupies a central position in the univense. All of the traditional Chinese philosophical schools propagated some concept of an ideal character of man, urging man to cultivate a perfect personality. Finally, according to the traditional Chinese philosophers the central ethical pursuits of man were self-reflection and introspection. In other words, to discipline one's temperament and to cultivate oneself both are the elementary contents of humanity. Nowadays, science and technology are highly developed but moral qualities are degrading rapidly. Therefore we should propagate the human thought of traditional Chinese philosophy. Only by harmonizing education on humanities and technology, developing them simultaneously, can we achieve the well-being of mankind. |