題 名 | 清代的鹽業歷史地理=The Salt Industry of Qing China:A Study in Historical Geography |
作 者 | 姜道章; | 書刊名 | 私立中國文化大學地理研究報告 |
卷 期 | 12 1999.05[民88.05] |
頁 次 | 頁1-24 |
分類號 | 481.8 |
關鍵詞 | 清代; 鹽; 鹽業; 歷史地理; 重建; Qing China; Salt; Salt industry; Historical geography; Reconstruction; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 鹽為人們日常生活必需品,又是一種納稅商品,所以鹽在中國經濟與政冶歷史發展中,扮演著重要的角色。由於所有人都必需經常用鹽,其每年消費數量大致可以預估,鹽稅是一種隱藏的人頭稅,提供政府一項可靠的稅源。基於這種理由,在整個中國的歷史上,鹽的產銷特別引起政治家和財政家的關注。就經濟的數量來說,鹽的生產與運銷長久以來一直是農業中國的重要產業,更是清代最大的單一經濟事業。對鹽的控制及其收益,就常常成了中國革命人士、土匪及不滿份子組織的直接目標。清代鹽源分布很廣,各地有好幾種不同的生產方法。鹽的運輸採用傳統中國運輸方法,鹽的運銷與全國、大區域和當地小區域的貿易關係密切 (註 1)。 本文重建清代的鹽業地理,主要討論以下五方面: 鹽的生產、政府控制、貿易網絡、運輸方法及行銷市場的空間結構 (註 2)。 |
英文摘要 | As a daily necessity for human life and also as a taxed commodity, salt has played an important part in the economic and political development of China. As salt is used regularly by all people, its annual consumption is largely predictable so that a tax on salt, as a disguised poll tax, provided the government with a reliable source of revenue. For this reason, it has drawn the special attention of statesmen and financiers throughout China's history. This paper reconstructs the salt industry in Qing China in it sgeographical context. It stresses five aspects of the industry: centers of production, state control, trade networks, means of transportation, and spatial structure of market areas. |