題 名 | 談數位化館藏發展=Development of Digital Library |
作 者 | 林安琪; | 書刊名 | 國家圖書館館刊 |
卷 期 | 88:1 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁43-51 |
分類號 | 023 |
關鍵詞 | 數位化館藏; 電子圖書館; 數位化圖書館; 圖家圖書館; Digital collections; Electronic library; Digital library; National central library; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近數年來的電腦科技進步,演變出圖書館之數位化及書刊資料之數位化。但綜觀在進入二十一世紀的關鍵時刻,新舊世代的交替之際,國內、外出版品仍以紙本佔多數,國人的閱讀習價仍以紙本資料為主,由於時代趨勢圖書館界卻不得不重視電子圖書館、數位化圖書館、虛擬圖書館甚或無牆圖書館的發展趨勢;無論用那個名詞,數位化館藏的產生、典藏及讀者服務皆是現今館員的重要研究課題。本文以國家圖書館為例就數位化館藏之本質出發,進行相關課題之探討,藉此展望二十一世紀圖書館資訊界數位化運動之前景。 |
英文摘要 | The movement toward the computer technology of the last few years has improved greatly. This produces the digital library and the digital informations. However, from an overall view of the key point of entering the twenty-first century, there are still many printed publications, both foreign and domestic, and in Taiwan people's reading habits are still centered on printed publications. Due . to the trends of the times, libraries are unable to ignore the importance of electronic and digital libraries. No matter" the terms used, the production of digital collections, catalogs, and reader services is the main topic of research for today's library staff. This paper sets out the essential characteristics of digital collections and furthers discussion of related topics in order to survey the' landscape of the movement toward the digitalization of knowledge in the twenty-first century. |