題 名 | 後蘇哈托時期印尼軍人「雙重角色」的持續與演變=The "Dual Role" of the Indonesian Armed Forces in the Post-Suharto Era--Continuity and Change |
作 者 | 區鉅龍; | 書刊名 | 問題與研究 |
卷 期 | 38:4 1999.04[民88.04] |
頁 次 | 頁17-29 |
分類號 | 574.393 |
關鍵詞 | 民主改革; 軍人; 雙重角色; 軍民一體論; 文人政府; 中庸之道; Democratic reform; Dual role; Military-civilian relations; Pancasila; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 印尼軍人在印尼獨立之後不僅擔負起國防安全及領土完整的責任,同時 在社會、政治領域也扮演了舉足輕重的角色。這種「雙重角色」乃基於印尼 獨立戰爭的經驗、印尼傳統政治文化、印尼「軍民一體」的思想、以及印尼 「班查西拉」建國五項原則的精神。 印尼軍人的「雙重角色」在過去半個世紀以來在不同的政治體制之下發 生了變化。一九六七年蘇卡諾被迫下臺,蘇哈托新秩序政府成立,軍人的「雙 重角色」達到了高峰,但印尼基本上並未成為典型的軍人獨裁的政體。不過, 軍人干政也阻礙了印尼民主化的發展。 一九九八年五月廿一日蘇哈托被迫下臺,印尼進入了嶄新的民主改革的 新時期,軍人「雙重角色」的合法性也面臨嚴竣的挑戰。在改革派強烈要求 之下,軍人已開始調整長久以來扮演「雙重角色」的功能,其中包括軍人退 出政壇、嚴守政治中立之立場、軍人專業化及軍隊國家化等改革措施。這些 改革無疑將大幅改變軍人「雙重角色」的功能,進而影響印尼未來政局的演 變。 |
英文摘要 | The Indonesian armed forces (ABRI) has played an important role in Indonesia not only as the guardian of national security and territorial integrity, but also as a driving force for social and political development. The concept of the "dual role" of the armed forces was developed after Indonesia won independence in 1949 and was based on:the unique Indonesian experience during the revolutionary struggle to gain independentce; Indonesian traditional political culture; and the Pancasila Doctrine. The dual role of ABRI has undergone significant change since the establishment of the New Order regime in 1967 under the leadership of Suharto. Its political, social, and economic influence has grown significantly, making the ABRI the main pillar of the Suharto regime. Indonesia, however, did not become a typical totalitarian military regime despite ABRI's dominant social and political role. The downfall of Suharto on May 21, 1998, has ushered in a new era of democratic reform in Indonesia, posing a challenge to ABRI's traditional dual role. This article analyzes ABRI's effort to readjust its role and its impact on the future political development in Indonesia. |