題 名 | 四君子湯抗精神壓力型胃潰瘍之研究=Effects of SiJunZiTang on Gastric Ulcer Induced by Psychic Stress in Rat |
作 者 | 施宏哲; | 書刊名 | 中醫藥年報 |
卷 期 | 17:1 1999.05[民88.05] |
頁 次 | 頁279-293 |
分類號 | 414.5 |
關鍵詞 | 中藥方劑四君子湯抗胃潰瘍單胺; Traditional chinese medicine; SiJunZiTang; Ant-peptic ulcer; Monoamine; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 四君子湯係收載於宋朝太平惠民和劑局方中的傳統中藥方劑 (Traditional Chinese Medicine),它是補脾益氣類的代表方劑, 對不同原因誘發出的各種脾虛症均具有 良好的療效。由以往的研究成果中知悉四君子湯確實具有抑制精神壓力型胃潰瘍發生的功效 ,且此一效果是藉由其能抑制胃酸過份分泌的功效。本研究之重點是著重於探討四君子湯對 腦內 GABAergic system Serotonergic system 等所引起的自發運動及四君子湯抑制胃酸分 泌之效果與迷走神經抑或神經化學傳遞物質之相關聯性。由實驗結果得知: 如嚼食道兩側的 迷走神經切斷後,比較給藥組及未給藥組,其胃液內的游離鹽酸量並無顯著的差異出現,再 經測定大自鼠腦內單胺 (Monoamine) 含量的變化得知: 腦幹部位 (Brain stem) 中的血清 緊素 (Serotonin:5-HT) 及其代謝產物 5-hydroxy indole acetic acid(5-HIAA) 統的含量 則呈現出有意義的變化。 對於自發運動的測試結果亦可印証出四君子湯亦會影響到腦中 GABAergic system 及 Serotonergic system 的作用。由此一研究成果得知: 四君子湯之所 以具有預防精神壓力型胃潰瘍發生之效果,其原因除了能抑制胃酸的分泌之外,與腦內神經 化學傳遞物含量的變化有密切的關聯性。 |
英文摘要 | SiJunZiTang(S.J.Z.T.) accepted in book of TaipinHeiMinHoChi- ChuiFan of Song Dynasty is a Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is believed to be the typical formulation of the wellness of gastric and circulatory systems. For the deficiency of gastric system induced by variable causes, SJ.Z.T. has been proved as its effectiveness. From our previous research, we also evaluated that S.J.Z.T. could inhibit the incidence of stress induced peptic ulcer. This efficacy was achieved by inhibiting of gastrici acid. This research is to explore how the S.J.Z.T. affect the GABAergic and Serotonergic System.Also the research was extended to the correlation of inhibition of gastric acid between the treatment of S.J.Z.T., vagotomy, and neurotransmitters. The S.D. rats were conducted to vagotomized between their esophagus. One group were treated with S.J.Z.T., the other only received placebo. Results shown that the gastric acid has no significant different between these two groups. However, the amount of monoamine from rat brain, serotonin and its metabolite(5- hydroxy Indole Acetic Acid) from brain stem have been found to be significant different. From this research, we demonstrated that the inhibition of stress- induced peptic ulcer from the treatment of S.J.Z.T. could have several different causes. One is the inhibition of gastric acid, the other one is probably the alteration of neurotransmitter in brain. |