題 名 | 市售醃漬麻竹筍品質之比較和加工技術之探討=Quality Comparison and Processing Technique of Pickled Bamboo Shoots Placed on the Market |
作 者 | 吳明昌; 羅仁梅; 林頎生; | 書刊名 | 技術學刊 |
卷 期 | 14:2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁271-277 |
分類號 | 463.76 |
關鍵詞 | 醃漬竹筍; 品質分析; 加工技術; Pickled bamboo shoots; Quality analysis; Processing technique; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗主要係針對市售醃漬竹筍之品質及特性,隨機選取十種市售樣品做為實驗 樣品,進行主要內容物重量之測定 (竹筍塊、豆麴、甘草、汁液 )、竹筍塊之成分分析 (水 分、粗蛋白、粗脂肪、灰分、鈣、磷、粗纖維 )、竹筍塊之品質分析 (可滴定酸、含鹽量、 可溶性固形物、pH 值 )、竹筍塊之品評試驗 (色澤、香氣、鹹度、酸度、硬度 ) 及色澤分 析值,由試驗結果知各樣品間有顯著差異,可見市售醃漬竹筍品質參差不齊。另以 5、10、 15% 之鹽量, 3、6、9% 之豆麴及 2、5、8% 之糖為配方,探討經不同貯藏期間其品質之變 化情形, 結果顯示以 10% 鹽、6 或 9% 豆麴、5 或 8% 糖為配料製成之成品其接受性較好 。 |
英文摘要 | The quality and processing technique of domestic pickled bamboo shoots were studied. Ten samples were randomly sampled from a local market. The major solid components of pickled bamboo such as bamboo chunks, bean koji and licorice root were measured. The proximate analyses included moisture, protein, lipid, ash, calcium, phosphorus and crude fiber content. The titratable acid, salt content, soluble solid, pH value and the color of bamboo chunk were also evaluated. Sensory studies aimed for appearance, flavor, saltiness, acidity and hardness. Due to various processing techniques, the home packed product showed a large difference in some quality characteristics. In this study, 5,10 and 15% of salt; 3, 6 and 9% of bean koji; and 2,5 and 8% of sugar respectively, were chosen as the formulas to prepare the pickled bamboo shoot. After a period of storage time, the results showed that the product prepared with 10 % of salt, 6 or 9 % bean koji and 5 or 8% sugar received a higher score from the panelists. |