題 名 | 新發現的廣東俗曲書錄--以明版《花箋記》為中心=Newly Discovered Rare Editions of Popular Cantonese Ballads, Focusing on a Ming Edition of the Hua-chien Chi |
作 者 | 李福清; | 書刊名 | 漢學研究 |
卷 期 | 17:1=33 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁201-227 |
分類號 | 014.1 |
關鍵詞 | 二荷花史; 花箋記; 木魚書; 廣東俗曲; 俗文學; Erh ho-hua shih; Hua-chien chi; Mu-yu shu; Cantonese ballads; Folklore; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 木魚書是廣東俗文學(popular literature)中重要的一種文類,國內外有不少學 者研究。 1995 年,日本稻葉明子、金文京、渡邊浩司三位學者合編的《木魚書目錄》在日 本出版, 收錄了世界各地的木魚書書目; 1995 年年底,筆者在英國與荷前調查當地收藏的 漢籍, 發現 22 種《木魚書目錄》未著錄的作品, 也發現最有名的木魚書《花箋記》 (Account of the Flowery Paper,舊譯為 Chinese courtship) 明版殘本, 即現存木魚書 最早的版本。本文也記錄另一個著名的木魚書《二荷花史》的原本,這是從前學者所未見的 ; 英國倫敦大學並收藏不少比《木魚書目錄 >> 所著錄的更早版本,這些版本均是首見於記 錄。這批新發現的資料可以補充前人的《木魚書目錄》,為研究俗文學的學者提供研究參考 。 |
英文摘要 | Mu-yu shu 木魚書, an important form of Cantonese popular literature , has been studied by many scholars, both in China and abroad. In 1995, three Japanese scholars published the Mokugyo sho Mokuroku 木魚書目錄, a catalogue of Mu-yu shu holdings around the world. While on a trip investigating Chinese book collections in England and Holland, the author discovered copies of 22 Mu-yii shu that are not listed in the Mokugyo sho Mokuroku, as well as an incomplete Ming edition of the most famous Mu-yii shu, Hua-chien chi 花箋記 (Account of the Flowery Paper, originally translated as Chinese Courtship), determining it to be the earliest extant Mu-yii shu edition. The present paper also discusses the original edition of another famous Mu-yii shu, Erh ho-hua shih 二荷花史, also previously undiscovered by other scholars. The collections of the University of London hold a number ofMu-yu shu editions that are earlier than those listed in the Mokugyo sho Mokuroku, and they are catalogued for the first time. The author hopes that these discoveries can supplement the Mokugyo sho Mokuroku, and provide a valuable reference for scholars of popular literature. |