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題 名 | Rapid Progression of Parkinsonism Associated with an Increase of Blood Manganese=血中錳濃度上升合併柏金森症急速惡化 |
作 者 | 高慧如; 陳偉熹; 劉家壽; | 書刊名 | The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences |
卷 期 | 15:5 1999.05[民88.05] |
頁 次 | 頁297-301 |
分類號 | 415.83 |
關鍵詞 | 錳; 柏金森症; 重金屬; 血液; Parkinsonian; Manganese; Aluminum; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本文報告一個72歲男性病例,其原有柏金森症狀在服用不明草藥丸後急速惡化。其血中錳及鋁濃度亦分別上升正常之2倍及5倍。惡化之柏金森症狀在血中錳、鋁濃度下降後亦恢復回來。特定之重金屬在柏金森症被廣泛提及。當工業源重金屬被清楚地研究時,必須重新評估重金屬之狀況。同時,除了工業污染外,我們必須注意非工業源而來之重金屬。 |
英文摘要 | In this paper, we report a 72-year-old man whose parkinsonian pictures accelerated rapidly after an ingestion of unknown herb pills. His serum manganese and aluminum level increased 2-fold and 5-fold over physiological level respectively. A reverse of his parkinsonian deterioration was accompanied with a normalization of these metals. Exclusive heavy metals have been widely mentioned in parkinsonism. While industrial source of these metals has extensively been sought, pharmacology is rarely mentioned in this aspect, especially of herb medicine origin. We suggest that an acceleration of parkinsonian pictures should raise the need to re-evaluate the possibility of heavy metal intoxication in parkinsonism. Besides of industrial contamination, we should be alert for the nonindustrial source in our population. |