- Balance and Muscular Strength in Normal Children Aged 9-12 Years
- 兒童時期酸鹼不平衡
- 站立穩定限度之年齡效應
- 兒童水分及電解質不平衡
- Effects of Jumping Skill Training on Walking Balance for Children with Mental Retardation and Down's Syndrome
- 健康體適能--兒童肌力和肌耐力測驗之探討
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- Relations between Balance Function and Gross Motor Ability in Children Developing Typically
- 可獨立行走的雙邊痙攣型腦性麻痺兒童與一般兒童下肢肌力與身體組成之相關分析
- Reliability of Nicholas Hand-Held Dynamometer of Muscle Strength Measurement in Children with Cerebral Palsy and Non-Disabled Children
題 名 | Balance and Muscular Strength in Normal Children Aged 9-12 Years=9到12歲正常兒童的平衡與肌力之相關研究 |
作 者 | 王慧儀; 陳淑媚; | 書刊名 | The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences |
卷 期 | 15:4 1999.04[民88.04] |
頁 次 | 頁226-233 |
分類號 | 417.6266 |
關鍵詞 | 兒童; 平衡; 肌力; Balance; Muscular strength; Developing children; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的為,第一、分析數項獨立自變數對平衡能力及肌肉力量(動態肌力及靜態肌力)的影響情況;第二、了解在本實驗中所測得之平衡能力及兩項肌力間之相關情況。本實驗的研究對象為99位健康正常的兒童,男孩有58位,女孩41位,年齡由9.6歲至12.7歲。此99位受測對象為高雄市一所國民小學中之第4,5,6年級的班級中,經隨意選出的學童,研究步驟為,在平衡能力測量方面,使用Bruininks Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP)中之第二次測驗,此次項測驗特別為測量平衡能力所設計,其中共有8項施測細目。此外,使用BOTMP中之第四次測驗以測量動態肌肉力量。在靜態肌力測量方面,本實驗使用Force Evaluation and Testing System (FET),以半蹲雙手提拉姿熱下取得量化的靜態肌力數值。並記錄每位兒童的身高及體重。用逐步迴歸統計法分析各項獨立自變數分別對平衡及兩項肌肉力量的影響情況。結果顯示體重及動態肌力為估計平衡分數之有效預測因子;靜態肌力之有效預測因子為性別及體重,而在預測動態肌力分數中,得知性別、體重、身高及平衡分數此四因子為有效預測因子。斯皮爾曼 (Spearman) 相關係數分析結果顯示平衡分數與動態肌力分數間具有統計學上之明顯正相關,動態肌力分數與靜態肌力間也有明顯之正相關,而平衡分數與靜態肌力間為顯著的負相關。其中詳細的分析載於文章的討論部份。 |
英文摘要 | The purposes of this study were two fold. The first was to determine the effects of several independent variables on balance, and also on two muscular strength (dynamic and static) measurements respectively. The second purpose was to examine the relationship among the balance and the muscular strengths. Ninety-nine healthy children (58 boys and 41 girls) ranging in age from 9.6 to 12.7 years participated in this study. The subjects were selected from the 4th, 5th and 6th grades of an elementary school in Kaohsiung City. To assess balance, children were administered subtest 2 of Bruininks Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP). Dynamic strength was measured with the subtest 4 of the BOTMP. Static strength was measured quantitatively by “semi-squat two-hand lift”. The Force Evaluation and Testing System was used for this testing. Height and weight measurements were obtained on each subject. The independent effects of variables on balance score and the two muscular strengths were assessed by stepwise multiple-regression analysis. The results revealed weight and dynamic strength were the effective predictors on estimating balance score. Gender and weight were found as important variables contributing in static load, whereas gender, weight, height and balance score were selected for significantly predicting dynamic strength score. Spearman correlation analysis revealed significant positive correlations between balance and dynamic strength and also between dynamic strength and static strength. The correlation analysis also showed a significant negative correlation between balance and static strength. Detailed implications of the results in the present study are discussed. |