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題 名 | 漢娜.鄂蘭政治思想研究之回顧與展望=A Retrospective of Hannah Arendt's Political Thought |
作 者 | 莫大華; | 書刊名 | 哲學與文化 |
卷 期 | 26:6=301 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁537-555+598 |
分類號 | 570.943 |
關鍵詞 | 漢娜.顎蘭; 政治思想; 極權政治; 政治行動; 公共領域; Hannah Arendt; Political thinker; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 漢娜.鄂蘭是少數著名的女性政治思想家,自從她於一九七五年逝世後,研究她政治思想的著作未有中止,更隨著新的資料及著作出版,又引發另一波研究她的潮流。本文藉由陳述政治思想學界對她思想研究的主題,以說明她政治思想的廣泛影響,並對研究趨勢作初步的分析,以理解一個歷經不同政治統治的思想者,她在此期間摸索、探尋政治思想的軌跡,並藉以呈現鄂蘭研究在歐美當代政治思想的重要性。 |
英文摘要 | Hannah Arendt was somewhat of a minority being a female political thinker. Since her death in 1975, there has been abundant research done on her political thought. This has created more information and publications, which in turn has caused more interest in her work. This article uses the political thought of Chen Shu's academic circle on Arendt's work as the main focus of research. This focus serves to explain the wide influence of Hannah Arendt's thought as well. It also attempts a cursory analysis of her research tendencies in order to understand the different political thinkers she studied. This article would finally like to emphasize Hannah Arendt's importance in contemporary American and European thought. |