題 名 | 臺灣的鹼-骨材反應問題與對策 |
作 者 | 田永銘; 楊世和; 彭柏翰; 王淑慧; | 書刊名 | 土木水利 |
卷 期 | 26:1 1999.05[民88.05] |
頁 次 | 頁78-94 |
專 輯 | 二十一世紀大地工程科技專輯 |
分類號 | 440.327 |
關鍵詞 | 鹼-骨材反應; 混凝土; 砂石; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
英文摘要 | The aggregates in the eastern Taiwan are abundant and extremely potential to mined. Based on the field investigation and laboratory test results , the aggregates are considered to be potentially deleterious due to alkali-aggregate reactivity. This paper reviews the recent researches related AAR in Taiwan. This paper also provides an introduction of reaction mechanisms, methods of diagnosis and preventive measures for AAR. |