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題 名 | 七股潟湖表層海水的顆粒性和溶解性游離胺基酸的組成和分布=Distribution of Free Amino Acid Pools in the Surface Seawater of Chiku Lagoon, Taiwan |
作 者 | 張建華; 黃穰; 黃哲崇; 鄭金玉; | 書刊名 | 臺灣海洋學刊 |
卷 期 | 37:3 1999.01[民88.01] |
頁 次 | 頁267-279 |
分類號 | 351.931 |
關鍵詞 | 顆粒性和溶解性游離胺基酸; Glutamine/glutamate(GLN/GLU)比值; 分布; Free amino acid; particulate and dissolved; GLN/GLU ratio; Distribution; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 以現場過濾海水的方式和 OPT前置螢光衍生反應的HPLC法,分析春秋二季七股潟 湖表層海水的顆粒性和溶解性游離胺基酸的含量和組成。顆粒性游離胺基酸的含量和主要組 成在兩季問的差異非常明顯,尤其是總含量和 glutamine/glutamate(GLN/GLU) 的比值在春 季都大於秋季。 秋季時所分析的 20 種顆粒性游離胺基酸以 glutamate 的含量最多, 佔 23-38%; 總濃度和 GLN/GLU 的比值分別介於 7.1-33.2nM 和 0.2-0.3 之間, 平均分別為 16.5 nM 和 0.2。在春季時總濃度介於 24.6 至 104.2nM 之間,平均為 65.4nM。每一個測 站都以 GLU 和 GLN 的含量暈多, 兩者合佔總含量的 50% 左右, 而 GLN/GLU 的比值大於 0.6,最大達到 2.0,平均為 1.2。 溶解性游離胺基酸在測站問的含量差異頗大,主要組成 在兩季問的變化也明顯。 秋季時溶解性游離胺基酸的分布比較均勻, 平均莫耳百分比含量 (mole%) 以大於 10% 的 aspartate, glutamate 和 senne 的含量較多; 春季時則以 glutamate 和 valine 的含量最多,兩者合佔總量 30% 以上。 溶解性游離胺基酸的總濃度 在秋季時介於 31.3 至 495.0 nM 之間, 平均為 133.2nM; 在春季時則介於 67.8 至 513.1nM 之間, 平均為 191.3nM。 以七個測站的平均濃度來看, 除了春季時顆粒性的 glutamine 含量大於溶解性的含量外,溶解性游離胺基酸的含量在春秋二季都比顆粒性游離 胺基酸的含量多。 |
英文摘要 | Surface seawater collected from the Chiku Lagoon, southwestern Taiwan was filtered in situ with GF/C filters on October 23, 1996 and May 15, 1997. Filters with paniculate matters and filtrate "both were analyzed for the compositions of paiticulate and dissolved free amino acids (PFAA and DFAA) by using OPA fluorescence derivative KPLC mcLaod. Seasonal variation of PFAA was remarkable; total PFAA and glut@mine/glutamate (GLN/GLU) ratio were greater in spring than in fall. Total PFAA ranged from 24.6 to 104.2 nM (mean=65.4 nM) in spring and 7.1 to 33.2 nM (mean=16.5 nM) in fall. GLU and GLN were the most abundant contents and their ratio was > 0.6 with a mean of 1.2 in spring, whereas GLU was the only dominated PFAA and the ratio of GLN/GLU was smaller (0.2-0.3) in fall. The composition of DFAA pools was also variable with season. Of the dissolved free amino acids measured, glutamate and valine were the most abundant in spring samples and aspartate, glutamate and serine in.fall samples. Total DFAA ranged from 67.8 to 513.1 nM (mean=191.3 nM) in spring and from 31.3 to 495.0 nM (mean=133.2 nM) in fall. The amounts of individual DFAA were generally greater than those of PFAA, except glutamine. |