題 名 | 隧道工程生產力比較與影響因素之分析--以北宜高速公路南港二號與彭山隧道為例=Comparison and Influence Factors Analysis for the Productivities of Tunnel Construction Projects--The Nankang No.2 Tunnel and the Pengshan Tunnel |
作 者 | 郭斯傑; 蘇耘逸; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學工程學刊 |
卷 期 | 75 1999.02[民88.02] |
頁 次 | 頁129-153 |
分類號 | 441.9 |
關鍵詞 | 隧道工程; 生產力; 影響因素; 比較; Tunnel; Productivity; Influence factor; Comparison; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究之目的在於比較隧道工程生產力之差異與影響因素之分析探 討,本研究以北宜高速公路南港二號與彭山隧道為比較與探討的對象,蒐集其 月開挖進度、輪進作業時間以及閒置時間資料,進行比較分析,並且藉由訪談 業主、設計監造單位以及承包商等相關施工人員,歸納整理出影響隧道工程生 產力之主要因素,並且提出輪進作業項目生產力之觀念,對兩案例隧道作進一 步比較,找出差異的因素,提出改善隧道工程生產力之初步建議。本研究彙整 之影響隧道工程生產力的四項主要因素,分別為地質狀況、施工管理、工作班 以及施工機具設備。在地質狀況因素中,可分為岩體種類、斷層、擠壓變形、 湧水、抽心等因素;在施工管理因素中,可分為作業編組、應變能力、地質調 查、薪資制度、施工環境等因素;在工作班因素中,可分為組成人員、施工經 驗、教育訓練等因素;在施工機具設備因素中,可分為鑽孔機械、開挖裝載機 械、噴凝土機具、維修與支援設備、其他機具設備等因素。此十八項因素皆對 隧道工程生產力影響極大,若要提升隧道工程生產力,應從這些因素著手改善。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to analyze the key factors for productivity improvement by comparing the productivity progress of two rock tunnel construction projects. Two rock tunnel projects, the Nankang No. 2 and Pengshan tunnels, are selected for comparison in this study. Both these two tunnels are part of the Taipei-Ilan Expressway Project. The length, cross section, construction method as well as the contract type are similar, but the productivity of these two tunnels are quite different. The average monthly-progress of the Pengshan tunnel is about 75 meters. However, only about 56 meters are achieved in the Nangkang No. 2 tunnel. Four major aspects are examined to find out the key factors for this difference: geological conditions, management approach, working crew and equipment. Based on the productivity data analysis of these twoprojects, essential differences and key factors are identified for productivity improvement of the future rock tunnel construction projects. |