題 名 | 我國公務人員保障法與美國弊端揭發人保護法之比較研究=A Comparative Study of Civil Servant Protection Law of the R.O.C. and the Whistlblower Protection Act of the U.S.A |
作 者 | 趙達瑜; | 書刊名 | 暨大學報 |
卷 期 | 3:1 1999.03[民88.03] |
頁 次 | 頁297-320+390 |
分類號 | 588.12 |
關鍵詞 | 公務員; 公務人員保障; 揭發弊端; 揭發弊端人保護法; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 公務員是政府機關的構成分子,對政府組織中之弊端知之最詳,如欲消除組織中之 弊端,提升行政效率,響應政府再造工程之號召,擠進全球生產力前五名之列,筆者認為方 法之一,即為鼓勵公務員挺身而出,揭發組織中之弊端,消除政府中之失誤。 惟公務員揭發政府中弊端之行為,無異於對抗整個官僚體系,對公務員個人的生涯發展 及權益或對組織之威權結構而言,均是嚴重的挑戰,因此,為使我國之公務員均勇於揭發弊 端,首要之務即為保障公務員之權益,不因揭發弊端行動遭致損害,或不會因而遭到官僚組 織之報復。 我國現行有關公務員之保障制度,主要係規定於民國八十五年十月通過之「公務人員保 護法」中。美國早在一九八九年即體認到此一問題之重要性,乃在該年制定並通過專法「弊 端揭發人保護法」,強化並增進揭發美國聯邦政府弊端之公務員的權益,避免其遭到報復。該 法有關公務員權益保障之規定非常詳細(長達二十頁)。我國「公務人員保障法」與美國「弊 端揭發人保護法」,在性質上雖不盡相同,但基於他山之石可以攻錯,美國該法必有可供我國 改進保障揭發政府弊端公務員制度參資之處,特進行二法之比較研究。 |
英文摘要 | Civil servants are the most important people in government, for they understand the problems of government very well. This study considers that one way to eliminate fraud in government, increase government efficiency, respond to government reengineering, and rise to the top five in global productivity is to encourage civil servants to whistleblower the wrong doings of government. Currently, whistleblowing among civil servants in the R.O.C. is tantamount to confronting an entire bureaucracy. Whistleblowing can jeopardize individual career development and that of other civil servants, as well as the authority of the public organization. Therefore, in order to allow whistleblowing behavior, whistleblowers must be protected from acts of vengeance. The major civil servant protection regulation in our country is the Civil Servant Protection Law," which was passed in October 1996. The U.S. government, however, paid attention to this issue further back in 1989 and passed the "Whistleblower Protection Act," The scope and essence of the "Civil Servant Protection Law" of the R.O.C. and the "Whistleblower Protection Act" of the U.S.A. are different. The U.S. law provides detailed rules and regulations about how to protect civil servants from cuts of revenge for whistleblowing behavior, and can serve us a useful basis for improving the R.O.C. legislation. |