題 名 | 爐熱平衡計算與在高爐之應用=Study on the Mass and Heat Balance and Its Application on Blast Furnace |
作 者 | 杜憲文; 何忠根; 陳俊良; 楊明恭; | 書刊名 | 技術與訓練 |
卷 期 | 24:1=194 1999.02[民88.02] |
頁 次 | 頁13-25 |
專 輯 | 煉鐵專集:高爐 |
分類號 | 454.89 |
關鍵詞 | 高爐; 質能平衡模式; Blast furnace; Mass and heat halance; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究在於利用高爐整體質能平衡之方式,配合現場操作特性,建立一套計算模 式,評量高爐燃料消耗之狀態,並分析在冶煉過程中,能量之供需與其分配比例。而模式之 目的在於能提供現場人員,在不同時期或不同操作策略下,對於燃料與能量消耗之績效評估, 以及操作方向之訊息。本文中,將對模式之計算方式作一說明。本研究中並利用三號高爐84 年8月與11月之操作數據,進行模式之測試。計算結果發現,無論是燃料率或能量消耗上, 11月份之績效均優於同年8月份之表現。分析結果發現,11月份熱損值與爐頂氣所帶出之熱 量較低,而爐氣流動分配之狀況較好,可能是主要肇因。此外,11月份熱鼓風中之溼度較低, 所消耗之分解熱亦隨之降低,對熱之利用上有正面之影響。 |
英文摘要 | A calculation model based on the daily heat and mass balance of blast furnace was developed. The aim of the model is to evaluate the performance of blast furnace from the usage of carbon and heat energy. Besides, this model could calculate the contribution of various operational factors to total heat demand and might be one of the useful operation guidance to blast furnace. This paper describes how the calculation model was structured. No. 3 blast furnace operation data in August and November 1995 were adopted to examine the model. As the result, the performance in November was better than that in August. From the distribution of heat demand, this result was attributed to (1) lower moisture content in blast air, (2) lower heat loss, and (3) lower top gas temperature in the operation of No. 3 blast furnace in November. |