題 名 | 淺談醫學論文寫作的技巧=The Art of Medical Writing |
作 者 | 黃萬出; | 書刊名 | 慈濟醫學 |
卷 期 | 11:1 1999.03[民88.03] |
頁 次 | 頁1-14 |
分類號 | 410.013818 |
關鍵詞 | 醫學論文寫作; 原始論著; 寫作指南; 原稿準備; 投稿; Medical writing; Original article; Guidelines; Manuscript preparation; Paper submission; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 科學論文之寫作的目的是要傳達科學工作的理念和事實。 科學家們透過其論文而 相互地瞭解和評論彼此的工作。因此,科學論文要寫得能讓讀者在初閱論文時即可理解其內 容。醫學論文也像其他科學的論文一樣,要以清晰、流暢和正確的方法去寫。實驗性和觀測 性的醫學論文格式包括題目、摘要、正文、誌謝和參考文獻。論文題目要含有資訊性;摘要 要言簡意賅,它應扼要地說明研究的理由、方法、主要發現和結論。正文內通常分為緒言、 方法、結果和討論;緒言部分敘明研究的目的和立論基礎;方法部分要以最小的詳細說明而 足供其他同行可重複實驗或評估該方法和結果的可靠性;結果部分依序而有條理地陳述代表 性而非重複性的數據;討論部分闡述由研究結果所衍生的原理、關係、通則和重要意義,並 與前人發表的結果相比較及說明未解決的問題。另外,作者須簡要地申謝提供研究經費或專 知性協助的團體或個人,並以雜誌能接受的方式附引最相關的文獻。在拙文內,筆者將務實 地介紹醫學論文寫作中從初步至完稿及投稿所需的每一步驟工作,並將重點置於說明論文的 每一部所應包含的是何種內容。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of scientific writing is to convey ideas and facts about scientific work. Scientists understand and criticize each other's work through their articles. Thus, scientific wriging should be intelligible to readers at the first reading. Medical articles, as in any other scientific writing, should be written in a clear, lucid and precise way. The format of experimental and observational articles in medical science includes title, abstract, text, acknowledgments and references. The title of the article should be informative. A good abstract should concisely state the reasons for the investigation, the method of the study, the main findings and the conclusion. The text is usually divided into sections with the headings Introduction (I), Methods (M), Results (R), and Discussion (D), The I section indicates the aim and rationale for the investigation. The M section should provide sufficient detail that a competent researcher can repeat the investigation or assess the reliability of the methods and therefore the results. The R section presents representative rather than repetitive data in a logical order. The D section describes the principles, relationships, generalizations and significance derived from the data, compares the results with previously published work and states the unsettled questions. In addition, authors need to briefly acknowledge the grant-giving bodies or individuals for their financial or intellectual aid, and direct the readers to the most relevant literature in an accepted style. This article introduces all steps that are necessary in medical writting and submission with emphasia on the type of information that should be allocated to each section of a medical article. |