題 名 | 從安保觀點看冷戰後日本對中共的政策=Japan's China Policy in the Post-Cold War Era: The Security Perspective |
作 者 | 張隆義; | 書刊名 | 問題與研究 |
卷 期 | 38:1 1999.01[民88.01] |
頁 次 | 頁1-16 |
分類號 | 578.1921 |
關鍵詞 | 防衛計畫大綱; 美日防衛合作指導方針; 中國威脅論; 三不政策; 歷史認識問題; 日中共同宣言; Guiding principle for US-Japanese defense cooperation; The Chinese threat; The three-no's policy; Beijing-Tokyo joint statement; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 冷戰後國際情勢的變化,促使日本重新思考安全保障的政策,改採積極的態度, 謀求亞太地區的和平與安全,加強與美國的戰略合作。但也因此引發與中共間的勢力衝突, 尤其是新美日防衛合作指導方針是否涵蓋臺灣問題,成為雙方爭執的焦點。本文從安全保障 的觀點,論述日本防衛政策的基本想法,以及對中國的政策、臺海發生危機可能採取的態度 ,加以探討,提供我們對問題思考的方向。 |
英文摘要 | To cope with the changing international situation in the post Cold-War era, Japan has chosen to be more active in maintaining peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region by strengthening its strategic cooperation with the United States. However, this new stance has forced Japan to face a regional power competition with mainland China. Recently, Beijing and Tokyo have been locked in a dispute over whether the US-Japan defence cooperation should cover the Taiwan area. This paper will examine the basic concept of Japan's defense policy, Japan's China policy, and the possible attitude Japan may adopt in the event of a military crisis in the Taiwan Strait. |