- Novelties in Asteraceae of Taiwan: Blumea Linearis and Senecio Tarokoensis
- Lysimachia Chingshuiensis (Primulaceae), a New Species from Eastern Taiwan
- Senecio kuanshanensis (Asteraceae), a New Species from Southern Taiwan
- Pouzolzia taiwaniana (Urticaceae), a New Species from Taiwan
- Gentiana Bambuseti (Gentianaceae), a New Species From Taiwan
- Begonia Pulvinifera (Sect. Diploclinium, Begoniaceae), a New Species from Limestone Areas in Guangxi, China
- The Stenodemini (Hemiptera: Miridae) of Taiwan
- Pluchea Cass. (Asteraceae: Inuleae) in Taiwan
- Unwelcome Naturalization of Chromolaena Odorata (Asteraceae) in Taiwan
- Notes on Three Newly Naturalized Plants (Asteraceae) in Taiwan
題 名 | Novelties in Asteraceae of Taiwan: Blumea Linearis and Senecio Tarokoensis=臺灣特產之兩種菊科新種植物:狹葉艾納香與太魯閣千里光 |
作 者 | 彭鏡毅; 呂文賓; | 書刊名 | Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica |
卷 期 | 40:1 1999.01[民88.01] |
頁 次 | 頁53-60 |
分類號 | 377.2215 |
關鍵詞 | 菊科; 狹葉艾納香; 石灰岩植物; 新種; 稀有植物; 太魯閣千里光; 臺灣; 分類; Asteraceae; Blumea linearis; Limestone flora; New species; Rare species; Senecio tarokoensis; Taiwan; Taxonomy; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本文發表兩種台灣特產之菊科新種植物,狹葉艾納香(Blumea linearis) 與太魯閣千里光(Senecio tarokoensis),並提供植物繪圖、分布圖、以及原生臺灣 之此二屬植物的簡索表,以資辨識。太魯閣千里光為稀有植物,目前僅知分布於 太魯閣國家公園海拔約1,000至2,000公尺之石灰岩山,生長於濕潤、開闊或多 少蔭蔽的石坡峭壁或稜線上。太魯閣千里光為千里光屬曲莖組(sect. Flexicaulis) 植物,略似產於中國大陸之福建千里光(Senecio fukienensis),但莖不分枝、莖中 部及下部之葉呈三角狀卵形至披針形(非橢圓狀長方形)、葉具長柄(非基部耳狀抱 莖)、舌狀花8-12枚(非僅7-9枚)、舌狀花之花冠較長,達15-17 mm(非僅7.5-9.5 mm)等特徵,明顯可與福建千里光加以區別。狹葉艾納香主要分布於臺灣東部, 目前僅知散生於臺北、花蓮兩縣低海拔山區及蘭嶼海濱,生長於海邊至海拔700 公尺左右之闊葉林緣。狹葉艾納香為艾納香屬大葉組(sect. Macrophyllae)植物, 植株高大呈灌木狀,外形略似臺灣原生之走馬胎(Blumea lanceolaria),但葉表粗 糙、草質(非平滑而呈肉質狀)、線形至線狀披針形(非橢圓至倒卵形)、葉上表面 綠色,被毛(非墨綠色,無毛)、葉寬僅2.3-3.5 cm(非4-8 cm)、葉基及葉柄皆不具 耳狀附屬物,這些特徵明顯可與走馬胎區別。 |
英文摘要 | Two new species of Asteraceae, Blurnea linearis C.-I Peng & W. P. Leu and Senecio tarokoensis C.-I Peng,from Taiwan are described and illustrated. Senecio tarokoensis is very rare, presently known only from three populations on semishaded to open, moist rocky ridges and cliff faces in the limestone mountains of Taroko National Park, Ca. 1.000-2,000 m, in eastern Taiwan. It is a very distinct member of sect. Flexicaulis C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen. Although it is somewhat similar to S. fukienensis Ling ex C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen of southeastern China, it differs in having simple stems, triangularly ovate to lanceolate lower and middle cauline leaves (vs. oblong-elliptic or narrowly so), long petiole (vs. leaves auriculate and amplexicaul), and ray florets more numerous (8-12 vs. 7-8) with much longer corollas (15-17 mm vs. 7.5-9.5 mm). Blumea linearis, also endemic to Taiwan, is sporadic from sea level to 700 in mainly in the eastern half of Taiwan. It is a member of sect. Macrophyllae DC. and is somewhat similar to B. lanceolaria, but differs in having rugose and herbaceous (vs. smooth and somewhat succulent), linear to linear-lanceolate (vs. oblong to oblanceolate), narrower (2.5-3.5 cm vs. 4-8 cm wide) leaves, which are green and pilose to short-villous (vs. dark green and glabrous) on the upper surface and lack the small auricles on the leaf bases and petioles. |