題 名 | 軌道工程採購分包管理之探討=The Research of Trackwork Purchase and Sub-Contract Management |
作 者 | 古鴻坤; | 書刊名 | 捷運技術 |
卷 期 | 20 1999.02[民88.02] |
頁 次 | 頁77-88 |
分類號 | 442.53 |
關鍵詞 | 軌道工程; 採購; 分包; Trackwork; Purchase; Sub-contract; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 國內在民國七十年代前之軌道工程大部分由台鐵之員工或自行招募臨時工施作, 所需材料則由台鐵自行採購,甚少辦理採購分包之作業,其原因在於國內軌道工程之市場 狹小,此工程所需之機具較一般土建工程為多,測量及施作專業水準亦要求較高,所以無法 引起民間廠商之大量投入。目前台鐵由於逐年人力精簡以致新建及維修人力不足,國內又有 許多軌道工程正興建或研擬中,所以有關軌道工程施作及工程管理之專業知識,亟需各界探 索與推動,本文即以探討軌道工程施作管理為出發,因個人工作關係所以文內之說明係以本 局軌道工程為主,台鐵之制度說明為輔,冀望工程先進予以指教, |
英文摘要 | In 1980, TRA's staffs or temporary workers hired by TRA built the major domestic trackwork in Taiwan and the materials were provided by TRA aswell. The reason for not so many trackwork sub - contracts is the market demanded is too little. In trackwork construction, the required mechanical equipment and the standards for surveying and installing are more variety andmuch higher than civil construction. These factors effect the interesting for private contractors' investment in this field. With d environmentchange, man power reduction in TRA, the deficiency manpower of maintenance, and many projects under construction or design in Taiwan, the tracwork construction methods and management need more impels and quarry.This paper is to explore the trackwork construction management. Moreover, because of the personal working experience and different tendering system being used, the Taipei MRT system is the main illustration, and TRA systemas the ancillary. |