- [許子東]《當代小說閱讀筆記》
- 中國小說中「舍己全友」母題的產生與發展
- 世紀末的回顧之三:魯迅自道「中國小說史略」之得失
- 「道德勇氣」與「錦瑟無端五十絃」--和顧彬教授商榷
- «The City in Modern Chinese Literature and Film: Configurations of Space, Time, and Gender» by Yingjin Zhang.
- «Misogyny, Cultural Nihilism, and Oppositional Politics: Contemporary Chinese Experimental Fiction» by Lu Tonglin.
- «Global Space and the Nationalist Discourse of Modernity: The Historical Thinking of Liang Qichao» by Xiaobing Tang.
- On Su Tong's Theme of Cruelty in the Context of Bakhtin
- 大地農殤曲--試論莫言「天堂蒜薹之歌」
- 當代「話本」研究的問題--以魯迅「中國小說史略」為中心