- 加入國際貿易組織後短期葉菜產業調適與因應之研究
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- 兩岸農業發展問題與改進芻議
題 名 | 加入國際貿易組織後短期葉菜產業調適與因應之研究=Regulation of Short-term Leaf Vegetable Production after Becoming a Member of WTO |
作 者 | 陳添來; 邱發祥; 蔡敏嘉; | 書刊名 | 桃園區農業改良場研究報告 |
卷 期 | 34 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁44-54 |
分類號 | 431.96 |
關鍵詞 | 國際貿易組織; 短期葉菜; World trade organization; Short-term leaf vegetable; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為因應未來加入WTO後,短期葉菜產業可能採取的調適與作法,在1995年4月10日至10月11日間進行問卷調查,地點包括中壢、龍潭、竹東、新莊、後龍、苑裡、苗栗、大園、竹北、八德、頭份、新屋等地訪問農民20戶。結果得知大多數農民認為加入WTO產業將會受到嚴重的衝擊,而此資訊大多得自電視及報章雜誌;至於經營調適方向應從加入產銷班以互換勞力及共同經營開始,生產資材共同採購以降低成本;並從政府所提供的低利貸款中得到較低的成本,且需加入生產登記制度以便有充分資訊去調整生產季節;在運銷方面應改進小包裝並分散市場;個人則應多接受經營及資訊方面的訓練:政府亦可改進其補助策略。 |
英文摘要 | A survey was made to understand the short-term leaf vegetable growers how to overcome the influence and effort to switch the production direction after Taiwan becoming a member of WTO. From 10 April through 11 October of 1995 at Hsin-chuang, Chung-li, Lung-tan, Ba-teh, Da-yuang, Hsin-wu, Chu-tung, Chu-pei, Hou-lung, Wan-li, Miao-li, and Tou-fen of Taoyuan district. Results showed that the impact on agricultural production was serious as Taiwan becoming a member of WTO, according to the information obtained from TV, newspaper and magazines. It was suggested that regulation directions of agricultural management by encouraging farmers to participate production and marketing teams, interchange manpower within group and joint purchase farm materials in order to reduce production cost. In addition, to get low interest loan and to participate production registration system to get information for adjusting growing period was also found to be a alternative method for reducing production cost. For promotion of agricultural products competition in the market to improve package method by using small size container package and discrated of products should be carried out. Meanwhile growers should also adopt the new technology to manage their farm and take information training courses to overcome impact. |