題 名 | 繡球花花色調整之研究=Study on Control of Sepal Color for Hydrangea |
作 者 | 陳永漢; 傅仰人; | 書刊名 | 桃園區農業改良場研究報告 |
卷 期 | 34 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁9-14 |
分類號 | 435.4 |
關鍵詞 | 繡球花; 花芽起始; 促成栽培; 萼片顏色; Hydrangea; Floral initiation; Forcing culture; Sepal color; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本試驗之目的在探討利用園藝操作方式改善繡球花花色著色不良的情形。介質以不同方式處理,就粉紅色品種而言,利用市售已調整過土壤pH值在6.5左右的泥炭土添加苦土石灰,對於粉紅色的著色有較佳的表現;在藍色品種方面,將介質的pH值調整至5.3左右,對於藍色的表現較好。在藍色品種灌注硫酸鋁,以每月灌注二次每次每盆灌注有效濃度30mg處理的效果最好。在肥料處理方面,藍色品種以30-10-10的處理有較佳的藍色效果:粉紅色品種以30-10-10及20-20-20對顏色有較好的表現,但在其他園藝性狀的表現上以15-20-25較佳。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this experiment was aimed to find out the best way for sepal color program of hydrangea. For pink color sepal, when the pH value of culture media was greater than 6.5 by adding dolomitic limestone, it could obtain a clear pink color expression. For clear blue color sepal, the media requires pH 5.3. Application of aluminum sulfate twice a month with 150 ppm at 100 ml per 6 in pot (30mg a.i./pot), it showed the best clear blue. The best treatment of fertilizer was N-P2O5-K2O=30-10-10 for blue plants, while 30-10-10 and 20-20-20 were good for pink coloration, and 15-20-25 has the best horticultural characteristics. |