- 肝硬化的病理治則機轉
- Pulmonary Function Changes in Cirrhotic Patients
- Recurrent Spontaneous Bacterial Empyema in Cirrhosis: A Case Report
- 肝硬化患者之細菌性感染--157位病例研究
- Isolated Fundic Varices in Liver Cirrhosis
- Can Advanced Hemostatic Parameters Detect Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation More Accurately in Patients with Cirrhosis of the Liver?
- Can the Screening Clotting Tests Predict the Complicated Hemostatic Changes in Patients with Cirrhosis of Liver?
- 壞死後肝硬化病患的營養評估
- 肝硬化腹水的治療
- 肝硬化合併顱內出血的研究:14個病例的資料分析