- Basin Architecture and Tectonic Mode in Offshore Areas of Central Taiwan
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題 名 | Basin Architecture and Tectonic Mode in Offshore Areas of Central Taiwan=臺灣中部外海的盆地架構和地體構造模式 |
作 者 | 楊耿明; 丁信修; 吳榮章; 傅武齊; 林國安; | 書刊名 | 臺灣石油地質 |
卷 期 | 32 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-32 |
分類號 | 351.29 |
關鍵詞 | 臺灣中部外海; 盆地架構; 地體構造; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 盆地架構可被定義為沉積盆地內構造型式和地層層序時空分佈的組合。從事盆地 架構和地體構造模式的分析可以絮助建構沉積盆地地演化的歷史。本研究主要的目的在於經 由盆地架構和地體構造模式的分析來探討臺灣中部外海先中新世的帳裂盆地,以釐清該區域 不甚明確的帳裂盆地架構。我們的研究集中在古第三紀張裂盆地,並且提出該區域張裂盆地 演化的特性。 在缺乏超微化石以從事定年的區域,震測地層約方法可以幫忙從事井位之間透過連井 震測線所作的地層對比工作。在本研究區域,井下所鑽遇的古第三紀地層即以震測地層的方 法加以對比。以往根據岩性所辨識的層序邊界在本研究皆以震測地層的方法加以重新釐訂而 被分出不同的時間面,這套重新釐訂過的地層層序即作為本研究從事構造分析的基礎。 本研究地區張裂盆地的構造形貌乃是以正斷層以及其相關構造為其主要特徵。大部份 正斷層皆發生於古第三紀和新第三紀地層之間不整合面的下方,並且朝地殼深部下切。和正 斷層相關的構造即是因正斷層滑移所形成的沉積楔狀體,亦即,正斷層的下降盤的地層以發 散的型態朝正斷層下傾,顯示同張裂的地層之沉積作用受到因斯塊旋轉而導致下降盤不等量 下沉作用的影響。 本研究區域的盆地呈一菱形的平面形貌,該盆地的西北側被幾條東北一西南走向並朝西 北凸出的主要正斷層所界定,菱形盆地的兩尖頭分別位於盆地的東北和西南端,至於盆地的 東南側,同張裂期地層被古第三紀和新第三紀地層之間的不整合面所截切。在盆地內部有兩 組正斷層彼此相交,一組走自東北東一西南西,另一組走向北北東-南南西,分別平行向西 北凸出的主要正斷層約兩翼。 大部份正斷層面上的位移量有向盆地中心兩組正斷層交會之處遞減之趨勢。這種正斷層 面上位移量在空間上的變化暗示著盆地演化的過程,亦即,在盆地演化的早期,兩組同時發 生的五斷層各自形成獨立的次盆地。在兩組正斷層朝側向發育延長並且互相交會之後,大部 份的正斷層作用被另一組正斷層所截而停止側向發育,並僅在另一半端發育,最後形成兩個 厚層同張裂地層的沉積中心。在經過正斷層作用的高峰期之後,盆地持續發育,並且其下沉 速率朝盆地的東北半段增加,直到張裂活動停止。 ~ 比較兩組正斷層的傾角顯示該盆地張裂的方向為西北西一東南東,垂直走向北北東一南 南西的正斷層。在這種情形之下,走向東北東一西南西約五斷層具有較陡的傾角,且帶有左 移的水平滑移分量。 盆地張裂量的計算結果顯示,盆地底下地殼的帳裝量並非完全可以由因正斷層作用而導 致的斷塊旋轉來加以解釋,後張裂時期的下沉歷史顯示,在正斷層發有之前,該地區曾經有 過另一期的張裂活動。 n the interior of the basin, there are two sets of normal faults intersecting each other, which are striking NEE-SWW and NNE-SSW distinctively and parallel to the two wings of segment composing the northwestward convex major normal faults. The displacement on most of the normal fault planes decreases toward the middle part of the basin where two sets of normal fault intersect. Such variation in displacement implies the tectonic evolution of the basin. Two sets of the normal fault were developing at the same time and formed two separated sub-basins in the early stage of the basin evolution. After two sets of normal fault propagated laterally and intersected each other, most of the normal faults were terminated laterally by the other set of normal fault and could only continue to develop along a half length and cause local maximum of deposition. The basin continued to develop with subsidence rate increasing toward the northeastern after the end of climax of normal faulting. Comparison between the dip angles of the two sets of normal fault suggests that the direction of extension is at NWW-SEE, orthogonal to the normal faults striking NNE-SSW. Under such circumstances, the normal faults striking NEE-SWW would have higher dip angles and the displacement along the fault planes would also bear left-lateral strike-slip component. Calculation of extension rate of the basin indicates that the magnitude ofcrustal extension in the study area is not entirely due to block rotation caused by normal faulting; the history of post-rift subsidence indicates that there might have been another extensional tectonic movement before the normal faulting. |
英文摘要 | Basin architecture can be defined as the association of specific structural styles and spatial, as well as chronological, distribution of sequence units in a sedimentary basin. Analysis of basin architecture and tectonic mode can help construct the evolution of a sedimentary basin. The main purpose of this study is to investigate, through the analysis on basin architecture and tectonic mode, the pre-Miocene sedimentary basins in the offshore areas of the central Taiwan, where the architecture of rift basins is not so well defined as that of the ones to the west. We focus our study on a Paleogene rift basin and propose some results that may indicate the characteristics of the basin evolution. The method of seismic stratigraphy can help, especially in the areas where nonno-fossils are lack for age-dating, in correlation among the drilled wells when they were tied by seismic lines. The Paleogene strata penetrated by drilled wells in the studied basin were correlated using method of seismic stratigraphy. The main sequence boundaries discerned based on lithology character were redefined and split into different time horizons on seismic profiles, which form the basis for further structural analysis. The studied basin are mainly characterized by normal faults and their associated structures. The normal faults mostly occur within the sequences below the unconformity between the Paleogene and Neogene and cut down to the deep. The associated structures with the normal faults are the sedimentary wedges, i.e., hanging wall sequences divergently dipping toward the normal faults, indicating the syn-rift sedimentation while the faulted blocks were rotating and caused differential subsidence and sedimentation on the hanging wall blocks. The studied basin is in a rhomb shape; its northwestern side is confined by several striking NE-SW and northwestward convex major normal faults; the apices of the rhomb are at the northeastern and southwestern ends of the basin, and the southeastern side of the basin is the boundary where the syn-rift sequences are truncated by the unconformity between the Paleogene and Neogene. In the interior of the basin, there are two sets of normal faults intersecting each other, which are striking NEE-SWW and NNE-SSW distinctively and parallel to the two wings of segment composing the northwestward convex major normal faults. The displacement on most of the normal fault planes decreases toward the middle part of the basin where two sets of normal fault intersect. Such variation in displacement implies the tectonic evolution of the basin. Two sets of the normal fault were developing at the same time and formed two separated sub-basins in the early stage of the basin evolution. After two sets of normal fault propagated laterally and intersected each other, most of the normal faults were terminated laterally by the other set of normal fault and could only continue to develop along a half length and cause local maximum of deposition. The basin continued to develop with subsidence rate increasing toward the northeastern after the end of climax of normal faulting. Comparison between the dip angles of the two sets of normal fault suggests that the direction of extension is at NWW-SEE, orthogonal to the normal faults striking NNE-SSW. Under such circumstances, the normal faults striking NEE-SWW would have higher dip angles and the displacement along the fault planes would also bear left-lateral strike-slip component. Calculation of extension rate of the basin indicates that the magnitude ofcrustal extension in the study area is not entirely due to block rotation caused by normal faulting; the history of post-rift subsidence indicates that there might have been another extensional tectonic movement before the normal faulting. |