題 名 | 建築物的繼承與分配:金門珠山薛永南兄弟“洋樓” 「鬮書」之研究=The Inheritance and Distribution of Buildings: A Case Study of Hsiue Yung-nan's “Yang-lou” (Western Style Mansion) in Zhushan, Jinmen |
作 者 | 江柏煒; | 書刊名 | 城市與設計學報 |
卷 期 | 5/6 民87.09 |
頁 次 | 頁105-128 |
分類號 | 922.932 |
關鍵詞 | 建築史; 洋樓; 鬮分; 金門; Architectural history; Yang-lou; Western style mansion; Jiu-fen; Jinmen; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「分家」的過程--建築物的繼承與分配,乃民居建築演變的重要機制,但在昔日的研究中經常被忽略。本研究試圖在金門珠山薛永南洋樓的個案中,以 1939年薛氏兄弟的《鬮書》為史料,分析「分」的社會過程,並檢視其空間分配的法則,同時,進一步指出建築類型與社會文化的關係,以及分家過程的探討來瞭解建築的社會功能與演變歷程。 |
英文摘要 | The process of inheritance and distribution of family properties is a very critical mechanism in the evolution of vernacular architecture, but in the past, the studies of architectural history always neglect it. This paper is then to analyze the social process of inheritance and distribution in "Jiu-fen" ( one of ways of dividing up family properties) process of Hsiue Yung-nan's "Yang-lou" ( western style mansion) in Zhushan, Jinmen, and to use "Jiu-shu" written in 1939 as a primary material for the further check of the principle of inheritance and distribution of buildings. Finally, the paper combines the social mechanism with architectural type and cultural form in the discussion that in order to further understand the evolution in physical space. |