題 名 | 犯行青少年生涯建構系統與生涯關注=The Study of Institutionalized Young Offenders' Career Construction Systems and Career Concerns |
作 者 | 吳芝儀; | 書刊名 | 國立中正大學學報 |
卷 期 | 9:1(社會科學分冊) 民87.12 |
頁 次 | 頁51-92 |
分類號 | 527.48 |
關鍵詞 | 犯行青少年; 生涯建構系統; 生涯關注; Career Construction Systems; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以少年監獄和少年輔育院中所收容的十二位犯行青少年為研究對象,運用衍 生自個人建構心理學派之「生涯選擇方格」作為主要研究工具,旨在探索犯行青少年的生涯 建構系統內涵及生涯關注重點。 本研究所呈現的犯行青少年生涯建構內容,可歸納為基本關注、社會關注、性質關注和 自我關注等四大類別。「基本關注」係與個人生存環境有關,包括:經濟報酬、舒適享受、安 全穩定和身體健康。「社會關注」係和他人有關,表達愛和隸屬的需求,如家庭依附、人際導 向.以及受他人肯定的需求.如杜會贊許和道德法理。「性質關注」係指對工作性質的評價判斷, 包含資格條件、工作性質、勞心或勞力工作、挑戰刺激、變異彈性、規律單純。「自我關注」 則涵蓋導向自我實現的重要主題,如氣質傾向、自由自主、學習成長、內在舒適、投入踐諾、 成功成就、自在自如。 本研究並發現,犯行青少年的一般性生涯建構,較多與生存條件或工作世界直接相關,反 映犯行青少年的基本關注與工作性質關注;犯行青少年的核心生涯建構,則在其綿密的基本 關注之外,更投射出其對他人評價之杜會關注.及其對自我潛能發揮與價值肯定之自我關注。 本研究之結果,有助於吾人對犯行青少年之生涯價值、生涯關注與其對未來生涯的期待, 有較為完整而深入的理解,並作為規劃犯行青少年生涯輔導方案的參考。 |
英文摘要 | Based on a constructivist approach, this study applied two types of career repertory grids, including a triadic grid and a laddering grid, to the investigation of 12 young offenders' career construction systems and their career concerns. Through phenomenological content analysis, those young offenders' career construction systems were found to contain four categories of career concerns, that is, primary concerns, social concerns, quality concerns and self concerns. Primary concerns are relevant to living circumstances social concerns are related to others' care and respect; quality concerns refer to the judgment on aspects of the world of work; self concerns denote career themes that are oriented to self- actualization. Young offenders' peripheral career constructs are mostly relevant to the world of work, and indicate their primary concerns and quality concerns; on the other hand, those core constructs reflect young offenders' primary, social, and self concerns. The findings of this study can contribute to the holistic and in-depth understanding of young offenders' career values, concerns and expectations. |