- Use of a Simple Predator-prey Model to Analyze a Decrease in Fish Populations
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題 名 | Use of a Simple Predator-prey Model to Analyze a Decrease in Fish Populations=以簡單數學模式分析魚類族群減少之原因 |
作 者 | 于錫亮; | 書刊名 | 澎專學報 |
卷 期 | 2 1998.07[民87.07] |
頁 次 | 頁81-97 |
分類號 | 439.2 |
關鍵詞 | 捕食者-被捕食者模式; 石斑魚類; 澎湖地區; Predator-prey model; Sea bass; Penghu; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 魚類是水族系統中最重要的垂釣種類,在澎湖地區近來發現石斑魚類有逐漸減少 的趨勢,本研究以簡單捕食者-被捕食者數學模式分析魚類族群減少之原因,利用階段平面和 加柯比矩陣分析系統中的規律狀態,發現減少被捕食者之間的競爭,或其它捕食者捕食壓力 的減少,和增加被捕食者的食物供應,都會造成系統規律狀態中不穩定情形的產生,此外比 較荷林所發展的第二和第三函數對捕食率所造成的差異,在此模式中發現規律狀態並無定性 上的改變。 |
英文摘要 | Fish has been considered one of the most important game species in aquatic systems. Recently, it has been observed that populations of sea bass have declined in the Penghu area. In this study, I used a simple predator-prey model to investigate factors that influence population decrease of sea bass. The phase-plane analysis and Jacobin matrix were used to analyze steady states in the predator-prey system. In the two numerical examples, a decrease of interspecific competition of prey or predation rate from other predators (=a) and an increase of food supply to the prey (k) caused destabilization (i.e., limit cycle occurred) in the non-extinction steady state. Using the type II and Ill functional response of predation rate on prey, I found no qualitatively changes in the steady states of the predator-prey model between these two functions |