題 名 | 王世貞「史乘考誤」所論嘉、隆之際史事考釋=A Study on Wang Shih-chen's "Shih-sheng K'ao-wu" Concerning Some Historical Facts in Chia-chin and Lung-ch'in Times |
作 者 | 吳振漢; | 書刊名 | 中央大學人文學報 |
卷 期 | 17 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁65-92 |
分類號 | 610.83 |
關鍵詞 | 王世貞; 史乘考誤; 嘉隆之際; 明世宗; 嚴嵩; 王; Wang Shi-chen; Shin-sheng K'ao-wu; Emperor Shih-tsung; Yen Sung; Wang Yu; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 王世貞是明代中晚期的重要史家,後世學者常引用王說做為著史或考訂明代史實的依據。<史乘考誤>是王氏史學方面的精心之作,也最常被史家們所引證。然因王氏著史風格和家世、經歷等影響,<史乘考誤>論及嘉、隆之際歷史時,每有渲染或失寶之處。本文旁徵多種明末史料,對<史乘考誤>有關嘉、隆史事的十條論證,分別詳加考訂,並試圖闡釋其產生誤差的原因。本研究一方面希望從史學史角度探討王世貞治史的特色,並澄清歷史的真象;另一方面也嚐試刻劃嘉、隆之際政爭的一個側面。 |
英文摘要 | Wang Shih-chen was an important historian in late Ming times. Many historical writings on the Ming Dynasty were originally derived from Wang's works among which “Shihsheng K'ao-wu”attracted the most attention. However, biased by his history writing style and his personal sufferings, Wang, in some items of “Shih-sheng K'ao-wu”,exaggerated or even went astray from the historical facts occurred during the transition of Chia-ching to Lung-ch'in times. This article, thus, probed into many Ming historiographies, and chose ten items from “Shih-sheng K'ao-wu”,all focusing on the Chia-ching and Lung-ch'in periods, as targets upon which I set up my investigations and comments. The present research, on the one hand, tries to explore the ways, that Wang Shih-chen used to deal with historical issues, and to clarify some facts of late Ming history;it, on the other hand, also intends to draw a profile depicting political struggles during the transition of Chia-ching to Lung-ch'in times. |