題 名 | 慢性腎衰竭並存泌尿道上皮細胞癌--一病例報告=A Case of Urothelial Cancer in a Patient with Chronic Renal Failure |
作 者 | 陸俊明; 周志堅; 周稚傑; | 書刊名 | 中華民國家庭醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 8:3 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁163-168 |
分類號 | 415.815 |
關鍵詞 | 慢性腎衰竭; 泌尿道上皮細胞癌; Chronic renal failure; Urologic cancer; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 患者是 68 歲女性,患慢性腎衰竭有兩年之久,參個月前因斷斷續續出現無痛性 明顯血尿,貧血症狀逐漸嚴重,經轉診入院檢查。尿液細胞學檢查發現惡性細胞,腎臟超音 波、電腦斷層掃描和逆行性腎盂攝影檢查顯示右側腎盂腫瘤。手術後,證實為移行上皮細胞 癌。 慢性腎衰竭的尿毒病人,含長期接受血液透析病人,可能因防禦機轉的缺陷,具有較高的癌 症發生率。文獻上報告,所發生的泌尿道癌多以腎細胞腫瘤為主,而泌尿道上皮細胞癌較為 少見。藉此討論慢性腎衰竭併發泌尿道癌之情形,就臨床症狀、診斷、治療、預後和例行性 泌尿道癌篩檢方法提出報告。 |
英文摘要 | A 68-year-old woman with a history of chronic renal failure for more than two years was referred to our hospital because of intermittent painless gross hematuria and severe anemia. Some malignant cells were found in her urine by cytological study. After a batch of examinations including renal ultrasonography, CT scan and retrograde pyelography, a right sided renal pelvic tumor was disclosed. The patient was operated and right nephroureterectomy with partial cystectomy was performed. The tumor was confirmed pathologically as transitional cell carcinoma. Patients with chronic renal failure as well as those receiving maintenance of hemodialysis are susceptible to various infections and increase the incidence of malignancy in them which may be due to the impairment of host defense mechanism. By reviewing the literature, it is noted that the renal cell tumors are more common rather than urothelial cancer in uremic patients. Herein, we reported a case and discussed its clinical course, differential diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and routine cancer screening of the disease. |