題 名 | 設廠策略與經營績效之實證研究--以在臺設廠之半導體製造商為例=An Empirical Study of Location Strategy and Business Performance of Semiconductor Manufacturers in Taiwan |
作 者 | 周素娥; | 書刊名 | 中原學報 |
卷 期 | 26:4 1998.11[民87.11] |
頁 次 | 頁99-108 |
分類號 | 555.6 |
關鍵詞 | 經營策略; 設廠決策; 設廠滿意度; Business strategy; Plant location decisionmaking; Location satisfaction; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 當前政府之首要經濟建設目標,就是改善國內投資設廠環境;而廠商之經營策略不同,所採行之設廠決策與地理因素考量必然互異。本研究針對在臺灣的半導體製造商為研究對象,探討公司經營策略如何影響其設廠決策,且進一步分析不同設廠決策對公司設廠滿意度之影響o本研究整合Milesand SnoV的策略分類理論與Rees的設廠決策模式,涵蓋經營策略、設廠決策與設廠滿意度三構面,以發掘 此三構面間之關{系。本研究共寄出205份問卷予205家廠商,有效回函率為35.12略。分析結果顯示,追求不同策略型態的公司間,彼此所採的設廠決策方式互異,並且,具不同經營策略特性與追求不同設廠決策的公司間,彼此有不南的設廠滿意度。 |
英文摘要 | An important economic issue facing by the Tai wanese government is to enhance domestic investment environment. Because firms may employ different business strategies and go through different processes of location decision-making,the puurose of this study is : ( 1) to explore the influence of business strategy on location decisions ; and (2) to evaluate the effects of business strategy and location decision on different levels of location satisfaction. This research integrates Miles and Snow's strategy typology and Rees' location decision-making model to formulate the study framework. A nationwidemail survey of 205 semiconductor manufacturers in Taiwan was conducted. The response rate is 35.12 percent. The findings support that firms with different business strategies favor different processes of location decision. Also, differences exist in the levels of location satisfaction among firms pursuing different location decisions. |