題 名 | 高施用量殺菌劑對蝴蝶蘭苗生育及其開花之影響=Effects of Fungicides Sprayed at High Dosage on Development and Blooming of Phalaenopsis Seedlings |
作 者 | 位國慶; 陳文輝; | 書刊名 | 臺灣糖業研究所研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 162 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁15-35 |
分類號 | 435.432 |
關鍵詞 | 蘭花; 蝴蝶蘭; 殺菌劑; 展著劑; 藥害; Orchid; Phalaenopsis; Fungicides; Spreader-binder; Chemical damage; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 種植在1.5吋盆中蝴蝶蘭雜交種TS428、TS146之實生苗,在小苗及中苗期以高施用量(正常量之10倍藥液)分別噴施六種殺菌劑,每隔十天噴施一次,共計八次。在供試驗之六種藥劑中,63.0%銅鋅錳乃浦(mancozeb-Cu,商品名為久保丹Cuprosan)可濕性粉劑(wettable powder)500倍稀釋液及27.12%三元硫酸銅(tricopper sulfate,商品名為銅高尚Cuproxat)水懸粉(flowable powder)500倍稀釋液二種處理區蝴蝶蘭植株新葉長度、雙葉距、新葉長度增加速率、新生葉片數、抽梗率、花梗長度及每梗花朵數均較未處理對照組減少,但下位葉枯死率較高;該二種處理植株新葉變成淺黃綠色或紅色,但未發現畸形花朵。停止施藥後10個月,新生之-5葉生長速率、新生葉片數及葉色逐漸回復正常。除了花神20 (PHYSAN 20,含有10%之n-alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride及10%之n-alkyl dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride)會使TS146植株新葉變成紅色外,30.3%四環黴素(tetracycline,商品名為鉑美樹Achroplant)可溶性粉劑(soluble powder)1,000倍稀釋液,99%四環黴素(tetracycline,動物用藥)可溶性粉劑3,000倍稀釋液、50.0%撲克拉錳(manganese prochloraz,商品名為包祝贊Sporgon)可濕性粉劑6,000倍稀釋液及花神20液劑(liquid)300倍稀釋液等四處理對蝴蝶蘭生育、葉色及開花均無影響。添加5,000倍稀釋液之展著劑(spreader-binder)加倍贊(AG-F)對試驗藥劑之藥害作用,未發現有加強或減弱之效果,但可使處理區植株葉片上之藥液分佈均勻,藥斑成為淡色小點。 |
英文摘要 | Six kinds of chemical (Fungicides) were sprayed at 10 teims than normal dosage during the small and middle seedlings stage of the Phalaenopsis hybrids: TS428, TS429, and TS146 in order to investigate their influence on the development and blooming of plants. The chemicals were continuously sprayed 8 times at 10-day intervals. The Phalaenopsis seedlings treated with mancozeb-Cu (Cuprosan) 63% wettable powder at 500 dilution and tricopper sulfate (Cuproxat) 27.12% flowable powder at 500 dilution were diminished in their characteristics, including length of new leaves, leaf span, increase ratio in length of new leaves, number of new leaves, percent of flower stalks emerged, length of flower stalks, and number of flowers per stalk compared to the untreated seedlings. However, the percentage of dead lower leaves was higher. In addition, leaf color of newly emerged leaves of the treated seedlings was changed to yellow-green, red or green with a red margin. However, these two chemical-treated seedlings did not produce malformed flowers, recover the growth rate of newly emerged leaf at no-5, nor the number of new leaves and leaf color until 10 months following chemical treatment. Except for the red color for the newly emerged leaves of the TS146 hybrid treated with PHYSAN 20 (contained 10% of n-alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride and 10% of n-alkyl dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride), there were no influence on the development, blooming, and leaf color of three tested hybrids treated with tetracycline (Achro-plant containing 30.3% of tetracycline) 30.3% soluble powder at 1,000 dilution, tetracycline 99% soluble powder at 3,000 dilution, manganese prochloraz (Sporgon) 50% wettable powder at 6,000 dilution, and PHYSAN 20 liquid at 300 dilution. There was no enhanced or decreased effects of the chemical damage to Phalaenopsis seedlings treated with a mixture of chemicals and spreader-binder AG-F at 5,000 dilution. The leaves were covered with a uniformly diluted mixture and became dry a few minutes after spraying. The seedlings showed the light, small spots on the leaf surface after spraying with mancozeb-Cu and tricopper sulfate mixed with AG-F than both without added AG-F. |