- Control of Fungal Growth with Sphagnum for Cold Stratification and Germination of Tree Seeds
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題 名 | Control of Fungal Growth with Sphagnum for Cold Stratification and Germination of Tree Seeds=以水苔控制林木種子發芽與層積過程中的真菌感染 |
作 者 | 王世彬; 林讚標; 張東柱; | 書刊名 | 臺灣林業科學 |
卷 期 | 13:2 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁101-108 |
分類號 | 436.251 |
關鍵詞 | 水苔; 黴菌; 種子發芽; 層積; Sphagnum; Seed germination; Stratification; Fungal control; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 自1985年以來林業試驗所所使用種子發芽方法值得向其他使用者介 紹。本方法是將種子與濕水苔在封口塑膠袋內加以混合並令其含多量空氣再直立 置於生長箱中進行發芽。水苔中的含水量佔鮮重之85%。塑膠袋可直立併排,須 要使用空間可大為縮小。水苔中可分離出5株Trichoderma viride(真菌)與5株放 射菌。它們可與感染種子之微生物形成拮抗作用。水苔充做介質時可防止林木種 子因傳統濾紙發芽方法時間過久引起黴菌之擴散。但種子在不同發芽介質之發芽 率與黴菌怠染的程度關係不大。另外的試驗,在種子濕藏的條件下,林木種子使 用水苔介質的較種子不用介質可大大地減少黴菌感染。因此以水苔為介質進行種 子低溫層積處理頗有助益。 |
英文摘要 | A method for seed germination has been practiced at the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, Taiwan since 1985 and is worthy of introduction to other users. The method involves germinating seeds in a mixture with moist sphagnum in a polyethylene bag sealed with adequate air inside and placing the bags vertically in trays at required germination conditions. The water content of sphagnum was 85% (fresh weight basis). Since the bags can stand side by side, the space needed for germination is much reduced. Five isolates of Trichoderma viride (fungi), and 5 of actinomycetes were identified as associated with sphagnum. They were also identified as antagonistic to the microorganisms which cause mold development on seeds. The sphagnum medium can provide a germination condition which prevents the spread of mold which has been found to be of common occurrence in seeds requiring prolonged incubation periods in the traditional filter paper germination method of tree seeds. The seed germination rates, however, obtained in different germination media did not respond to the extent of old contamination. In another experiment, tree seeds embedded in sphagnum medium were found to be significantly better protected from mold development than were naked seeds in the wet storage condition. Therefore sphagnum medium has great advantages for seeds which need a prolonged period of cold stratification. |