題 名 | 多變量分析應用在乾燥中心燃油效率分析=Multivariate Analysis on the Operating Efficiency of Rice Drying Centers in Taiwan |
作 者 | 楊江益; 吳柏青; 馮丁樹; | 書刊名 | 宜蘭技術學報 |
卷 期 | 1 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-9 |
分類號 | 434.251 |
關鍵詞 | 穀物; 乾燥; 燃油效率; 主成份分析; 因素分析; Rice; Drying; Fuel efficiency; Principal component analysis; Factor analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 農林廳為減輕農民穀物乾燥加工的負擔,自民國76至86年間於全省57個農會及2個民間倉庫共設置59個殼物乾燥中心。乾燥中心在營運時之成本主要來自燃油費用、電費及人事費用。其中電費在乾燥中心設置時,便已由乾燥機廠牌型式及容量決定;人事費用則可透過自動化及人事管理進行精簡;唯有燃油效率與乾燥中心營運時之複雜乾燥條件息息相關。當然,燃油效率的好壞決定了燃油費用的高低,故本研究以統計學之多變量分析方法,對乾燥中心營運時之燃油效率進行主成份分析以及因素分析。統計分析的結果顯示:穀物乾燥中心在設置時若臺數太多,則在營運時會對燃油效率造成負面的影響,在全省取樣的7個農會,實驗量測的結果亦證明此點。 |
英文摘要 | Rice is the major grain production in Taiwan. Annual yield of rice was up to 2,071,968 tons. In order to lower the cost of grain drying,the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry of Taiwan has sponsored fifty-seven Farmer Associations and two private rice warehouses to build fifty-nine Rice Drying Centers islandwide. Different model and capacity of rice dryers were used in each rice drying center. Equipment cost, Labor cost, electric power and fuel consumption were four important operation cost of rice drying centers, but the fuel efficiency of rice drying center was not evaluated in the past few years. This study used principal component analysis, factor analysis to infer how the significant factors affected fuel efficiency and verified the results of multivariate analysis with autoptic experimental data. The result of principal analysis and factor analysis concluded that less total number of dryers will reinforce fuel efficiency. Anyway, the measuring data in first harvesting season supported this result. |