題 名 | 臺灣地區水權制度改革之研議=Propositions to Institutional Reform for Water Rights in Taiwan |
作 者 | 蕭景楷; | 書刊名 | 水土保持學報 |
卷 期 | 30:3 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁251-268 |
分類號 | 554.57 |
關鍵詞 | 水資源管理; 水權制度; 水市場; Water management; Water right system; Water market; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 台灣地區已逐漸體認到,水資源是一種越來越稀少的資源,因此需要審慎地從經 濟和環境上考量如何來管理。隨著家庭用水和工業用水需求的不斷增加,農業部門的灌溉 用水也面臨競用和移用的壓力,而新水源的工程和環境成本又比以往高出甚多,顯示供給 導向的管理已無法解決目前問題。在過去,主管部門所顯現的錯誤配置和浪費水資源,以 及容許對環境的損害,乃是由於制度不良、市場失靈、政策扭曲,以及投資不當等因素所 造成的。因此,欲使水資源的管理更為有效,則需要研訂可以平衡各方需求的政策,以及 可以適應不同情況的制度。以往水資源主管部門運作上的主要缺陷之一是,過於依賴擴張 過度的政府機構來配置水權。由其他國家的發展經驗,可以發現因為對傳統式水資源制度 的不滿,許多國家(特別是美國和一些歐洲國家)已重新考量相關組織的搭配,並且透過 事權分散和更為需求管理導向的定價和誘因方式,尋求更有效率的配水和用水。 水資源的重新配置可以增加總經濟效益,或是減少總損失,其方式至少有三種,即行 政上的重新配置、自願式的水資源移轉、以及水價的設定等。水資源自願移轉的好處之一 是,進行重新配置所需的資訊可能比其他兩種重配置機制少,因此較符合濟經效率的原則 。尤有進者,就提高用水效率而言,自願式的移轉和定價及節水措施至少有兩點不同,一 是後兩種做法可能被用水人反對,因為它們會增加用水人的財務負擔,另一是它們意味著 更多的政府管制和干預。不過,由於回流和第三者效果,水移轉和水權的行政管理仍需要 相當的管制。自願式的水資源移轉有各種形式,它們可以是永久的售賣、長期的租賃、短 期的租賃,或是依乾旱情況訂定不同租約等。欲使制度改變有助於需求導向的自願式水資 源移轉,則現行制度必須改變以便鼓勵市場交易,使水資源經由重新配置流向更有價值的 使用,同時又可考量用水改變所引起的外部性和公共財問題。總之,我們需要一個在配水 和用水方面更有彈性、更有效率的水資源管理系統。 |
英文摘要 | Water has been gradually recognized as an increasingly scarce resource in Taiwan, and thus requiring careful economic and environmental management. As the demand for water for human and industrial use has escalated, so has the competition and transfer for water used for irrigated agriculture. Moreover, the engineering and environmental costs are much higher for new water supplies than for current sources, showing that supply-oriented management is not a way to facilitate the existing problems. In the past, the authorities tends to misallocate and waste water, as well as premitted damage to the environment, as a result of institutional weakness, market failiures, distorted policies, and misguided investments. Therefore, to manage water resources more effectively, a balanced set of policies and institutional reforms should be sought. In other words, a major weakness of past approaches to the water sector has been the excessive reliance on overextended government agencies to allocate water rights. From the developmental experience of other countries, it can be seen that the unsatisfactory performance of water institution has caused many countries, expecially the United States and several European Countries, to reconsider their organizational arrangements and to seek efficiency gains through decentralization and greater reliance on pricing and incentives. Reallocating water to increase total economic benefits or to reduce total loss can be accomplished through three means, i.e. administrative reallocation, voluntary water transfer, and price setting. One of the advantages for water transfer is the information requirements are likely to be less than the other two mechanisms. Furthermore, for raising efficiency of water use, voluntary transfers differ from water pricing and conservation requirements in at least two respects: one is the latter two are likely to be resisted by water users since they impose a financial burden;the second one is that they also imply extensive governmental regulation and intervention. However, administration of water transfers and water rights still requires considerable regulation due to the return-flow and third-party effect aspects of water resource. Voluntary water transfers can have a variety of forms; they can be permanent sales, long-term leases, short-term leases, or leases contingent on drought conditions etc. It is suggested that to facilitate demand-oriented voluntary water transfers, the conventional institution has to be changed to encourage market transactions that reallocate water to higher valued uses, while at the same time, accounting for extermalities and public goods associated with changes in water use. In summary, we need a water resources management system, which can be more flexible and efficient in water allocation and use. |