題 名 | 漢民族心靈陰暗幽微的另一面--吳鳳神話的省思=The Other Side within Us: Some Reflections on the Wu-Feng Myth |
作 者 | 劉蔚之; | 書刊名 | 課程與教學 |
卷 期 | 1:2 1998.04[民87.04] |
頁 次 | 頁37-50+173-174 |
專 輯 | 多元文化的課程與教學 |
分類號 | 535.7 |
關鍵詞 | 吳鳳; 多元文化教育; 我族-他族; 精神病與權力; Wu-feng; Multicultural education; Us-Them; Psychosis and power; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 吳鳳神話所反映的,乃是漢民族缺少文化自省的意識,而這乃是一種群體的病徵 。本文基本的假設乃是吳鳳迷思為具體而微的一面鏡子,對吳鳳迷思的檢視能幫助我們看清 楚映照中的自己,以發掘漢民族如何自我建構,及找出此一迷思背後潛在心理的可能解釋。 本文試圖以「我族 -- 他族」( us-them )的概念來貫穿所引三位分屬歷史、 心理分析與 社會學、政治學領域的學者之研究經驗:us-them 的現象同時在於個人內心,及一民族心靈 的內在:自我主觀意識到的光明正向之一面稱之 us; 深藏於潛意識中,主體意欲逃避、壓 抑的幽微陰暗的一面則稱為 them。 在吳鳳的事例中,漢民族投射自身內在的陰暗幽微面在 替罪羔羊 --- 堅持蠻俗的原住民身上; 神話的最後,吳鳳殺身成仁捨身取義,原住民臣服 於他的感召下,黑暗的一面解消了,一切歸屬於我族,形成 Us-us 的關係。 在這個迷思中 ,歷史被誇大,並混合了幻構,一起出現在國小教材中。這種操弄的結果,使我們忽略自我 文化心靈中的另一面;使聖賢標舉的文化理想淪為封閉、缺乏詮釋與自省空間的虛妄假象; 使我們轉移注意去聲討那替罪的羔羊,不必面對潛藏於內心深處那荒誕詭異的陌生客。而這 乃是一種潛在的群體精神病徵的先兆。 對民族心靈深處加以檢視,來找出我們自己民族的歷史文化下的問題,是我們臺灣脈絡下的 研究者探究多元文化教育的諸多現象時,一種必要的功課。這將啟發我們認識經常被自己忽 略的心靈中的另一面,唯有更深入地認識自我民族的深層心靈之後,方有助於我們學習面對 自我民族、文化心靈的問題,以及妥適處理我族 -- 他族的關係。 |
英文摘要 | The Wu-feng Myth, which was created and manipulated by political authorities and adopted in the textbooks for primary schools for decades, has been deleted from textbooks since 1987 after causing social tension among ethnic groups. But the negative images to the Aborigines still prevail through out the whole society. In this myth, the mainstream Han Chinese Wu-Feng was depicted as being so selfless that he even sacrificed himself to dissuade the barbarian Aborigines from the cruel head-hunting ritual. Finally, the Aborigines were so moved by his great behavior, they voluntarily submitted to the great Chinese culture. But actually, this myth is nothing but a mixture of exaggerated history and fiction, providing cultural delusion rather than illusion. The Aborigines were a scapegoat, which represents the dark and ugly sied deep within the great Chinese culture. By deleting this ugly side which was projected to the Aborigines, Han people seem to avoid the need to scrutinize Chinese culture anymore. Han are contented with their great culture. Since this myth was delivered to young generations for decades, most Han people have lost the ability of cultural self-reflection. This would be a symbol of potential possibility of group psychosis. This study argues that only if we scrutinize the dark side within us thoroughly, will we develop a healthier group ego ideal. The Wu-Feng Myth might be a very tiny mirror; however, if we recognize this historical and cultural mistake, and then treasure this precious experience, our society will develop that healthier group ego ideal. |