- Use of Otolith Microchemistry to Investigate the Life History Pattern of Gobies in a Taiwanese Stream
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題 名 | Use of Otolith Microchemistry to Investigate the Life History Pattern of Gobies in a Taiwanese Stream=耳石微化學應用於鰕虎魚洄游環境史之研究 |
作 者 | 沈康寧; 李英周; 曾萬年; | 書刊名 | 動物研究學刊 |
卷 期 | 37:4 1998.10[民87.10] |
頁 次 | 頁322-329 |
分類號 | 388.5 |
關鍵詞 | 鰕虎魚; 兩側洄游; 耳石; 微化學; 仔魚期持續的時間; Gobioidei; Amphidromy; Otolith; Microchemistry; Larval duration; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 為了證明溪流�貌窸蔽漁�陸兩側洄游現象,利用電子微探儀,分析1995年9月至 1996 年 11 月採自臺灣東北部隆隆溪的 11 種�貌窸膠掍菄熒L量元素。 根據耳石中鍶鈣元 素重量比的時間序列變化, 這 11 種�貌窸膝i以歸納為三種不同的洄游環境史:1) 褐吻�� 虎( Rhinogobius brunneus )為淡水種, 鍶鈣比小於 10 %, 2) 雙斑叉舌鯊( Glossogobius biocellatus )及雷氏鯊( Favonigobius reichel )為河口域種, 鍶鈣比 在 10 %附近變動, 3) 曙首厚唇鯊( Awaous melanocephalus ), 塘鱧( Eleotris acanthopoma ), 岩舌�貌瞗] Glossogobius celebius ), 寡鱗�貌瞗] Oligolepis acutipennis ), 紅�貌瞗] Redigobius bikolanus ), 名古屋吻�貌瞗] Rhinogobius nagoyae formosanus ), 日本禿頭鯊( Sicyopterus japonicus )以及種子鯊( Stenogobius genivittatus )等 8 種為海水與淡水之間洄游的兩側洄游性種類;其耳石鍶 鈣比,內層( 10-17 %)比外層(小於 10 %)高,顯示這 8 種魚的初期發育階段生活在 海洋中,後期則回到淡水。兩側洄游性種類的海洋浮游期,範圍從鱗寡�貌磢漱@個月至日本 禿頭鯊的六個月不等。本研究發現耳石鍶鈣比可以用來研究�貌窸衛�的洄游環境史。 |
英文摘要 | To understand the migratory history of stream gobies in Taiwan, otolith microchemistry of 11 species of gobies collected in Longlong Brook, northeastern Taiwan from 26 Sept. 1995 through 4 Nov. 1996 was examined by use of an electron probe microanalyzer. According to the time-series changes in strontium (Sr) to calcium (Ca) ratios from the primordium to the edge of the otolith, the 11 species are divisible into 3 life history patterns. Rhinogobius brunneus is a freshwater species, its otolith Sr/Ca ratios being less than 10 ﹪.Glossogobius biocellatus and Favonigobius reichei are estuarine species, with Sr/Ca ratios of around 10 ﹪. Awaous melanocephalus, Eleotris acanthopoma, Glossogobius celebius, Oligolepis acutipennis, Redigobius bikolanus, Rhinogobius nagoyae formosanus, Sicyopterus japonicus, and Stenogobius genivittatus are amphidromous species migrating between seawater and fresh water, Sr/Ca ratios being higher in inner layers (approximately 10 ﹪ -17 ﹪ ) than outer layers of the otolith (less than 10 ﹪ ). This indicates that the 8 amphidromous species migrate to a marine environment during early life and back to fresh water at a later stage. The marine phase of post larval duration in the amphidromous fishes lasts from approximately 1 mo in O. acutipennis to 6 mo in Sicyopterus japonicus. This study reveals that Sr/Ca ratios in otoliths can be used as indicators of a fish's past life history. |