題 名 | Taiwan's Agricultural Policy Adjustments for Trade Liberalization=因應貿易化臺灣農業政策之調整 |
作 者 | 黃琮琪; 吳明敏; | 書刊名 | 農業經濟半年刊 |
卷 期 | 64 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁155-196 |
分類號 | 431.96 |
關鍵詞 | 農產品貿易自由化; 農業政策調整; Agricultural trade liberalization; Agricultural policy adjustment; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 由於受到GATT與WTO農產品自由化談判以及臺灣希望加入WTO為會員國的影響,臺 灣於 1990 年代逐次面臨糧食消費多元化和低價質優進口農產品的市場競爭,加速農產品貿 易自由化的腳步。農業施政也配合經濟建設計畫,作必要的調整,由 1990 年以前之「改善 農業結構與提昇農民所得方案」,轉變成「農業綜合調整方案」與「跨世紀農業建設方案」 ,由保護色彩較濃厚的產銷與所得促進,逐漸轉型成為因應貿易自由化下的提升市場競爭力 和注重農漁業資源與農漁民福祉的永續性農業發展政策措施。考量比較利益、農民所得水準 、資源與環境維護、農地釋出、糧食安全、食品安全衛生、市場秩序、未來談判等之劣勢以 及市場制度調整困難,農業政策面臨極大的跨世紀轉型挑戰。本文認為加強評估自由化的潛 在衝擊;維護適度糧食自給自足;規劃所得、結構、糧食安全與社會安全的配套措施;調適 農村建設與資源利用以及促進產銷現代化、國際化等在在均為重要課題。 |
英文摘要 | The sequential negotiations in GAAT and WTO associated with Taiwan's eagerness of applying for membership into WTO created diversified domestic food consumption and foreign food competition and certified definite steps for agricultural trade liberalization in Taiwan. During the same time horizon, Taiwan agricultural policy adjusted in accordance with Economic Development plans. The agricultural policy adjustments moved from "The Improvement of Agricultural Structure and Increase of Farmer's Income Program", while the internationalization and liberalization in Taiwan's economic policy were set prior to 1990, toward "The Aggregate Agricultural Adjustment program" and "The Agricultural Development Program Towards the 21 �f Century". The major policy measure adjustments were changed from production, marketing, and income improvements under protectionism to the increase of market competitiveness, the emphasis of sustainable development on agricultural resources and rural welfare. Considering Taiwan's weakness and market as well as system difficulties of comparative advantage, farmer's income level, maintenance of resources and environment, farm land release, food security, food safety, market order, and future negotiations, the adjustments of agricultural policy towards the 21 �f century faced significant challenge. This paper believes that the evaluation enhancement of impacts resulted from potential liberalization actions, the proper maintenance of self sufficiency, the packaged measures of income, structure, food and social security, the adjustment on better rural construction and resource use, and the promotion of production and marketing toward modernization and internationalization are important issues. |