題 名 | 一種研究環氧樹脂化學反應動力學的新方法:霍氏轉換近紅外光譜分析=A New Method to Study Kinetics of Epoxy Resin: Fourier Transform Near-Infrared Spectroscopy |
作 者 | 伍慶勳; | 書刊名 | 逢甲學報 |
卷 期 | 34 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁53-66 |
分類號 | 467.4 |
關鍵詞 | 環氧樹脂模式化合物; 霍式轉換近紅外光譜分析; 化學反應動力學; Epoxy model compound; Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy; Kinetics; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究應用霍氏轉換光譜儀(FT spectrometer)選擇近紅外光區(7500 cm�笐�- 3800 cm�笐�)對含有-NH、-OH、與-CH基之官能基團能造成強烈吸收之特性,籍以分析環氧 樹脂特性吸收峰之位置及其化學反應動力學。所用的環氧樹脂是含單一官能基的模式化合物 (model compound) glycidyl phenyl ether (GPE),硬化劑則使用二胺型的 diaminodiphenyl methane (DDM)。 實驗結果顯示,在4530 cm�笐薯酗@吸收峰是來自環氧基團的彎曲與伸縮振動,而一級 胺的伸縮振動在5046 cm�笐薄A這二個吸收峰均隨著反應時間之增長而降低。一吸收峰在 7000 cm�笐謊H著反應時間之增長而愈趨顯著,這個吸收峰是來自氫氧基的伸縮振動。另外 ,有二個比較穩定清晰且不隨反應時間變化之吸收峰在4056和4676 cm�笐薄A這二個吸收峰 均來自於苯環上CH基的伸縮振動,本研究選用這二個吸收峰當作參考峰,並採用Gaussian曲 線擬合積分法(curve fitting)分離重疊吸收峰,經由電腦計算分離峰面積,最後選用上述 二個參考峰對GPE/DDM模式系統作轉化率與反應速率分析,其結果文中有詳細討論。 |
英文摘要 | Fourier transform near-infrared spectroscopy has been used for the characterization of absorption peaks and cure kinetics in an epoxy / amine model system, composed of a mono-functional glycidyl phenyl ether (GPE) and difunctional diaminodiphenyl methane (DDM) curing agent. Near-IR spectroscopy was carried out in the frequency range between 7500 and 3800 cm�笐�, and the conversion and rate of reaction were evaluated from the changes in the characteristic absorption peask. The result shows that the absorption at 4530 cm�笐縯s a combination band due to the epoxy group stretching and bending vibrations. Another interesting peak at 5046 cm�笐縯s representative of primary amine band. These two peaks decrease with increasing reaction time. In addition, two strong and stable peaks due to the C-H stretching vibration of the benzene ring, found at 4056 and 4676 cm�笐�. Both peaks are not to be consumed or produced during cure and can be used as reference peaks for internal calibration. The absorption bands of interest were isolated and integrated using fitted Gaussian profiles. The details of the quantitative analysis of the conversion and rate of reaction observed with two reference peaks are described in this paper. |