題 名 | 王禎和小說中以花蓮為背景之研究=A Study of Chen-Ho Wang's Novels with Regard to the Setting of Hua-Lien |
作 者 | 李宜靜; | 書刊名 | 康寧學報 |
卷 期 | 1:1 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁35-53 |
分類號 | 863.57 |
關鍵詞 | 王禎和; 小說; 花蓮; 自然環境; 人文風土; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 在王禎和的廿二篇小說中,故事地點確定在花蓮的,共有十三篇,這些故事的時 間始於光復前夕,終於八0年代,頗符他在花蓮成長的時段,本文即以這十三篇為討論基礎 ,論述小說與文獻中的花蓮。在「小說中的花蓮」,依小說提及有關花蓮的情節分為「自然 環境」與「人文風俗」兩部分,以見作者如何以花蓮架構他的小說世界,從而看出他在臺灣 文學的殿堂上有別於其他「鄉土作家」的風采。在「文獻中的花蓮」,將小說中的花蓮逐一 按圖索驥時,在文獻資料中,恍又聽到洄瀾港的鑼聲,見到得其黎溪的砂金;在田野調查中 ,既欣見「蓮花淨土」的新貌,也感慨「永遠不再」的風土。綜上,藉著小說、文獻及走訪 ,更可明瞭環境影響作家、作家彰顯環境的相關性。 |
英文摘要 | The settings of most Chen-ho Wang's novels (13 out of 22) are in Hua-Lien. Those stories began at the short time before Taiwan's Retrocession and ended in 1980s. In fact, it was the time Wang grew up in Hua-Lien. Therefore, the study attempts to explore the setting, Hua-Lien and other related literature. In addition, the natural environment as well as the custom of Hua-Lien will be discussed so as to identify Wang's unique writing style which is quite different from those of other folk literature writers. In the light of Literature Review of Hua-Lian, the detailed descriptions of Hua-Lian were scrupulously explored. Seemingly, we could hear again the sound of gongs in Hua-Lien Harbor, and saw placer gold in Day-Chee-Li Stream. According to the field study, we were delighted to see the up-to-date setting of "Pure Land Hua-Lien", but we also got sentimental about that local previous customs and scenes might never come back again. In conclusion, based upon novels, literature review and interviews, we understood and identified better the interactive relations between the effect of settings on writers and admirably manifested settings due to outstanding writers. |