題 名 | 高職學生轉學轉科進路之規劃研究=A Study of the Path on Transferring Major or Campus from the Students of Vocational Schools |
作 者 | 楊慕慈; | 書刊名 | 康寧學報 |
卷 期 | 1:1 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁19-33 |
分類號 | 528.81 |
關鍵詞 | 高職學生; 轉學; 轉科; Students of vocational schools; Transferring major; Transferring campus; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的在規劃並暢通高職學生轉學、轉科的管道以及學生的進路,避免學 生因對課業沒有興趣,而出現反社會行為。透過文獻分析、座談和問卷調查等程序。本研究 所獲得的結論如下: 1.高職學生轉學轉科的主要原因是搬家、志趣不合、學業或品行太差,而欲改變環境。因此 確有必要暢通學生轉學轉科管道,以滿足學生需求。 2.目前高職學生轉學轉科管道不夠暢通的原因在於: (1)部分學校或類科為避免行政作業與教學輔導的負擔,而不提供轉入的機會。 (2)部分學校或類科為避免學生流失,而不提供轉出的機會。 (3)轉學轉科的資訊不夠暢通,學生無法充分適性轉學或轉科。 (4)現行省(市)法規相互砥觸,學生無所適從,以及公立學校學生易轉入私立學校,但 私立學校學生較難轉入公立學校。 3.學校或科別有空缺,但卻不是供轉入機會,實在浪費教育資源;而學校或類科限制學生轉 出,則損及學生權益,均有必要改進。轉學轉科資訊不夠暢通問題宜自教育行政當局、學校 與學生三方面謀求一個平衡點,凡影響學生轉學轉科的法令宜由教育廳(局)相互協調,取 得一致性。 4.高職學生在就學前、後,對學校特性、本身志趣或類科課程內容,不甚明瞭,因此更有必 要轉學或轉科,但正本清源之道,宜在國中階段加強職業陶冶,落實職業認知、職業試探以 及生涯規劃輔導。此外研究改進目前技職教育的招生與分發方式,以利學生可審慎選擇學制 、學校或類科。 5. 學生選讀意願強烈的學校或類科, 在招收轉學或轉科學生時,學校與學生間可能出現兩 難狀況 -- 學校立場希望得英才而教育;學生方面希望滿足其願望。但是外顯的熱門學校或 類科,必非必然適合學生志趣,往往是依考試分數來抉擇。因此教育行政當局宜破除升學主 義、文憑主義的士大夫思想,自輔導與關懷立場加以修正現行法令,並自學生面來考量。 |
英文摘要 | To avoid antisocial behaviors and without interests from students who would like to transfer the other major or campus. To open the above path is the purpose of this research and through the procedure of literature review, conferences and questionnaires which help us the following conclusions: 1. To move, without interest, poor study or behavior is the main cause of transferring the other major or campus from the student of vocational schools. 2. To obstruct the path of the other major or campus that is causes as follows: (1) To avoid the loading of the administrative work and teaching guidance, to supply no chance to transfer in from partial schools or majors. (2) To avoid the loss of students, to supply no chance to transfer out from partial schools or majors. (3) There is less information from transferring major or campus, the students have no chance to develop their character. (4) Because of some conflict from the relating law, the students are helpless. The students of private schools shifted to the public schools are easy, but the opposites are not. 3. To waste the educational resources that let the students have no chance to shift. It is obvious that we have to promote the rights from students. We need to find the balance and negotiate with the others among the government, schools, and students. 4. As a matter of fact, we have to explore the content of occupation, fulfill the cognition of jobs, and plan the career. We have to do some researches about enrolling and scattering new students form technological and vocational education, then the students could have the opportunity to make a selection about the major, campus and educational systems. 5. There are dilemmas between schools and students. Students would like to meet their willings and schools would like to enroll the better students. So the government has to destroy the myth of the only way to advance the higher school and consider the standpoint from students. |