題 名 | 邁向廿一世紀水資源永續經營策略=The Strategy of the Sustainable Management of Water Resources for the 21 Century |
作 者 | 徐享崑; | 書刊名 | 農業工程學報 |
卷 期 | 44:3 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁1-8 |
分類號 | 554.57 |
關鍵詞 | 永續經營; 科技島; 全球氣候變遷; 聖嬰現象; 女嬰現象; Sustainable management; Science and technology island; Climate change; E1 nino; La nina; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 「水利事業」之發展是人民生活、國民經濟發展之基礎,水資源的供應能否持續 而穩定,已成為當前國家整體經濟發展,提升競爭力優勢的關鍵因素,特別是臺灣經濟歷經 近半個世紀的快速成長,已產生整體結構上的轉變,其中農業、服務業及工業占國內生產毛 額的比重,已由民國四十一年時的三二%、四八%、二十%轉變為民國八十六年時的二.六九% 、六二.四二%、三四.八九%,充分反映出臺灣地區已成為以工商業為主流的經濟型態;而 水資源的分配,農業用水卻仍舊維持在民國四十年代的比重約占七四%左右,而目前工業用 水僅占九%及民生用水十七%,並未隨產業發展而有較大幅度的調整,以至供需發生失衡。在 即將邁向廿一世紀的今天,面對「永續經營」時代的來臨,我們該如何提升國家整體競爭優 勢,使臺灣邁向「科技島」,協助產業發展,不但要穩定提供「質」與「量」均佳的水資源 ,更要配合國家長遠發展,籌思未來十年乃至廿年的水資源供需規劃,以提昇國民生活品質 ,開創跨世紀國家發展的新機運,這是我們必須全力以赴的重要使命。 近日以來,受到全球氣候變遷、聖嬰、女嬰現象影響明顯,世界各地遭受洪澇災害損失 慘重,尤其是對岸大陸,不僅長江全流域遭遇自1954年以來最嚴重之水患,松花江洪流亦造 成黑龍江省損失慘重,據保守估計,財產損失達3000億人民幣。而身為水利工作者,對於對 岸情境,不僅要寄予同情,感同身受;同時更要引為殷鑑,隨時加緊戒備,以消減洪澇災害 於無形為職志。面對跨世紀嚴峻的挑戰與考驗,謹提出「推動水資源永續經營,使臺灣邁向 廿一世紀高科技島」,作為水利工作同仁共同戮力以赴的目標。 |
英文摘要 | The development of water resources is critical to the living of people and the growth of the economy. The steady water supply is not only the key factor of the economic growth, but also an important element or the competitiveness of the nation. The rapid economic growth in Taiwan for the past half-century has brought significant changes to the economic structure. The percentages of GDP of agriculture, service, and industry have changed from 32%, 48% and 20% in 1952 into 2.69%, 62.42%, and 34.89% in 1997, respectively. This clearly shows that manufacturing and service industries are now the major parts of the economic structure of Taiwan. However, the allocation of water resources remains unchanged. The percentage of agriculture use has been constant at 74% since the 1950s. Both industrial and domestic use stay at 9% and 17%, respectively, without adjustments in accordance with the pattern of economic growth. The result is the lack of balance between demand and supply. Today, facing the coming of the era of sustainable management, competitiveness of the nation must be improved to achieve the goal of making Taiwan an island of science and technology, and assist the development of industry. To reach the objectives a steady supply of high quality water is essential. For the past few years, we have witnessed the impacts of the global climate change, E1 Nino, and La Nina. Mainland China experienced the most serious floods of Yangtze River since 1954. Songhua River in Heilongjiang Province also causes severe damages. The preliminary estimate of damage amounts to 300 billion Renminbi (RMB). As water resource management planners, we sympathized the situation of Mainland China, and will learn from the lessons. We must do our best to alluviate the hazards of floods. To meet the challenge of the new millennium, we propose the sustainable management of water resources and the making of Taiwan a science and technology island as the guiding principles of water resources management. |