題 名 | 花蓮地區文旦柚之產銷研究=Studies on the Production and Marketing of Wentan Pomelo in Hualien Area |
作 者 | 鄭仲; 林秀玲; 簡文憲; 陳凱俐; | 書刊名 | 花蓮區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 16 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁81-90 |
分類號 | 435.335 |
關鍵詞 | 文旦柚; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 經由本研究分析結果顯示,花蓮地區文旦柚的生產面積持續增加,而消費需求未能相對提高下,已面臨滯銷壓力,價格變動極不穩定,雖然品質好且有穩定銷售通路者,其銷售成績仍佳,但文旦柚之市場需求主要在中秋節前,94.44%的受訪者皆認為節後價格會大幅下跌,但僅有27.27%的受訪者可在節前售完,而有78.57%受訪者認為文旦柚的生產已嚴重過量,認為整體產業應減產的比例平均為43.70%;故應規劃調整部份經濟效益低的果園,使栽培面積減少,才能穩定文旦柚產業的產銷平衡,而對於品質佳、競爭力強的果園應予以加強輔導,提升其競爭力,方能使文旦柚產業得以脫胎換骨,經得起競爭。故未來文旦柚產業宜在適地適種,降低成本,提高果實品質及增強競爭力的原則下,加強輔導。 |
英文摘要 | In response to the possibility of being a member of WTO, the supply and demand of wentan pomelo have to be studied to adjust the production structure. The result of the studies showed that:(1) The producing area and quantity of pomelo is increasing, but the demand of pomelo is not increasing in accordance with the supply, (2) Most of the respondents consider that the pomelo price should drop sharply after the Moon Festival, but just a few of them could sell out before the date, (3) Most of the respondents agree that wentan pomelo is over-produced and should be cut 43.70% in average. In order to strengthen the competitiveness, we propose that wentan pomelo should only be planted in suitable areas to decrese the production costs and improve the quality. |