題 名 | Multiple Lymphomatous Polyposis of the Gut: Case Report=多發性淋巴瘤息肉病:病例報告 |
作 者 | 李宗實; 方昆敏; 嚴卓立; 藍以政; 張良慈; | 書刊名 | 長庚醫學 |
卷 期 | 21:3 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁347-351 |
分類號 | 415.6 |
關鍵詞 | 多發性淋巴瘤息肉病; 胃腸道淋巴瘤; 覆蓋細胞淋巴瘤; Multiple lymphomatous polyposis; Gastrointestinal lymphoma; Mantle cell lymphoma; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 多發性淋巴瘤息肉病(Multiple Lymphomatous Polyposis)是一罕見之腸胃道原發 性非何杰金氏(Non-Hodgkin's)B型淋巴球淋巴瘤,其特徵是腸胃道多處佈滿淋巴瘤息肉。我 們提出一罕見之廣泛侵犯病例,病人具有典型之多發性腸胃道息肉,相符之病理組織及細胞 表現型,和配合之臨床表現,故確認為此診斷。68歲男性,因發現右下腹腫塊,體重減輕就 診,一系列檢查後證實為淋巴瘤,腸胃道在迴盲瓣有一大腫塊,從食道下端至直腸則滿佈息 肉,同時淋巴瘤亦侵犯骨髓、周邊血液、脾臟、攝護腺及周邊淋巴結。病人接受8次化學治 療,但沒有緩解,在診斷確立11個月後因肺炎過世。此病之鑑別診斷很重要,臨床上容易和 表皮性息肉混淆,組織學上必須和良性淋巴增生及其他類型的淋巴瘤區分。此病之預後不良 (平均存活期低 3年)。 |
英文摘要 | Multiple lymphomatous Polyposis (MLP) is an uncommon type of primary non-Hodgkin's gastrointestinal B-cell lymphoma characterized by the presence of multiple lymphomatous polyps along the gut. We present a patient with MLP in which the involvement was unusually widespread. The diagnosis was confirmed by the typical polyposis lesion, histology, phenotyping and clinical presentations. A 68-year-old man had a large mass at the ileocecal valve as well as multiple polyps along the whole digestive tract. At the time of diagnosis, lymphoma had involved bone marrow, peripheral blood, spleen, prostate and peripheral lymph nodes. The patient received 8 courses of chemotherapy with no remission. He died of pneumonia 11 months after diagnosis. Clinically, the diagnosis may be confused with epithelial polyps; and histologically, the diagnosis must be distinguished from benign lymphoid proliferations as well as other types of lymphoma. The prognosis for patients with MLP is relatively poor (the median survival is usually less than 3 years). |